After watching and reading reports on Hurricane Katrina I am pissed off and sad. Seeing roofs peeking from the water in New Orleans and the rescue attempts being done I wonder where will these people go and what will they do? The Superdome is low on food and will be evacuated. Places are flooded and on fire. There are not enough tears to wept for these people. I can't cry because I want to do something, not cry about it. I want to open my home, give up my food, be prepared with wood and hammer, give them better memories, give them anything.
Now, perfect example here: Why are we spending $ putting more soliders and warfare in Iraq when there are people here in need. We have Americans in need of your help Mr. President. But you want to spend the time and funds to dress men in camaflouge and cross your fingers and hope they don't get killed. You will hurt more people in the South if you don't stop Iraq now. You're killing the corner shop owner who made sure his regulars got the morning paper and some smokes, the beautician - the gossip queen who made everyone smile, the activist, the carpenter, the musician, the taxi driver, etc. These people are the life blood that make things function. How will we engage when the majority of these members has their life to rebuild? How will people treat each other? Will it ever be the same? Every action has a reaction and so forth. If one person is burdened, that burden is passed along. But if you get that optomist that smiles, people will smile back. How can we help those devestated smile back?
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
the segregating storm
After watching the updates on the Hurricane last night a news bit came on warning areas in the hurricane's path, once on land. It read "Category 1 storms affect small trees, shrubery and mobile homes".
Usually, in trying times, classes don't matter. If you're poor, middle class or wealthy, a town will come together and fix what needs to be mended. Here, a tropical storm is segregating us up into classes. Our society does that enough as it is. So, let's think, if the lowest storm makes shrubbery equal to mobile homes, then are mountains, catcus, boulders, wheat fields comparable to mansions, city halls, strip clubs, and outhouses?
Usually, in trying times, classes don't matter. If you're poor, middle class or wealthy, a town will come together and fix what needs to be mended. Here, a tropical storm is segregating us up into classes. Our society does that enough as it is. So, let's think, if the lowest storm makes shrubbery equal to mobile homes, then are mountains, catcus, boulders, wheat fields comparable to mansions, city halls, strip clubs, and outhouses?
Monday, August 29, 2005
Running into:
Things that I ran into or ran into me:
1. An intertube + all 160+lbs of Tony
2. a fall shopping spree hosted by my latest paycheck
3. my new favorite drink, a sangria blanco as served by coast
4. lots of old friends from high school, the drunk, the cute, the stoned.
5. A wave after being launched at incredible heights into the sky, hello birds, hello water!
6. old stories, funny stories, never to be shared again (back hair) stories.
7. My favorite store - Anthropologie
8. A fun hawaiian navy man - welcome home!
9. Seven running shoe stores - time to buy online
10. a five minute conversation about how my grandma's shoes are sticking to the floor.
1. An intertube + all 160+lbs of Tony
2. a fall shopping spree hosted by my latest paycheck
3. my new favorite drink, a sangria blanco as served by coast
4. lots of old friends from high school, the drunk, the cute, the stoned.
5. A wave after being launched at incredible heights into the sky, hello birds, hello water!
6. old stories, funny stories, never to be shared again (back hair) stories.
7. My favorite store - Anthropologie
8. A fun hawaiian navy man - welcome home!
9. Seven running shoe stores - time to buy online
10. a five minute conversation about how my grandma's shoes are sticking to the floor.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Book to Read

Before you break down and read Harry Potter, here's a good memoir about a kid in San Francisco who swims for the affection in the wealth and dramatics of his parents. His quest to be cool and be free leads him backpacking, pot smoking, car stealing, fruit throwing, panty sniffing and much more. Based on his life, he describes the theatrics of his once famous mom, his overly wealthy dad, his hated step-mom, along with other friends and family members and how they contributed to his way of life. Happy Reading!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
GWB VAC Stolen from WilliamZabka
I don't like stealing things unless I'm stealing it back. But I'll admit to taking this from williamzabka, hope you don't mind.
"No one can ever complain about how much time George W. Bush has spent on vacation. Seriously, think about it. Do you know how much damage he has done when he wasn't on vacation. It is like if your janitor throws up and smears shit all over the walls. For all I care, he can go to an island in Indonesia right now for an extended vacation. Dealing with him after he leaves will be like picking up after your child when he goes to sleep. But in this case your child's activities include burning your money, pissing in your gas tank, and getting your boss to fire you. That is a lot of fucking cleaning up.
So I for one will no longer complain about GWB's vacation time. Please, Mr. President take up scuba diving. Learn how to mix the ultimate margarita. But don't forget to keep ignoring important things like if you want our troops out of Iraq by the next millenium, how by saying you are leaving no child behind you are really leaving them all, and most important of all; don't forget to continue ignoring important intel from the CIA."
"No one can ever complain about how much time George W. Bush has spent on vacation. Seriously, think about it. Do you know how much damage he has done when he wasn't on vacation. It is like if your janitor throws up and smears shit all over the walls. For all I care, he can go to an island in Indonesia right now for an extended vacation. Dealing with him after he leaves will be like picking up after your child when he goes to sleep. But in this case your child's activities include burning your money, pissing in your gas tank, and getting your boss to fire you. That is a lot of fucking cleaning up.
So I for one will no longer complain about GWB's vacation time. Please, Mr. President take up scuba diving. Learn how to mix the ultimate margarita. But don't forget to keep ignoring important things like if you want our troops out of Iraq by the next millenium, how by saying you are leaving no child behind you are really leaving them all, and most important of all; don't forget to continue ignoring important intel from the CIA."
Monday, August 22, 2005
When the leaves start to Fall
Not to long ago I was playing volleyball when I realized that it was beginning to get darker out earlier. It was still bloody hot - but it was dark. I felt like a bird that needed to prepare for migration. There was an aire of immediacy. i knew there was still many days of hot hot weather. Today is very cold.
Some people are thinking about starting school again, others are trying to squeeze in one last vacation and others try very hard not to think about wisconsin winters. I was ontop of my friend Brian's apartment overlooking downtown from the south and thought how much at ease I feel in Milwaukee. I began thinking about how fantastic the colors are in fall and I wondered if I could stay in Milwaukee for one more season. I had one of those weeks were I was surrounded by friends and activities only Milwaukee could provide. I met up with various friends I haven't seen in a while and some I see all the time, went down to water, watch a ball game while grilling out, went to the Landmark, celebrated Miller's 150th by dancing to Bon Joni. All these events made me feel at home. But by the end of the week nothing was at home.
The clouds were out and it was raining. I couldn't wait for the leaves to turn colors but that would mean the trees would shut off circulation. I could, however, wait to see my far away friends because I knew they'd always be there and something was in the works that'd all of us girls would be together. But now one is not with us anymore and it is so unfortunate it had to happen to her and now. It won't stop raining for a lot of us. But we are so happy when the little sparks of sunlight that come down on us and we can smile and laugh again. I saw even more older faces that took me back to my college days and we just shook our heads in disbelief and then we would make each other laugh at some of the stuff we did. It was bittersweet.
My friend Sara and I were driving back home and it seemed we could not get away from this gray cloud and then, close to home, we saw an opening of vast blue sky. It made me think that I needed to keep going till I find the happiest place there is. If that is were there turning leaves are that's where it is, if it is between mountains and salt water that's were it is, if it's in the warm heart of someone, that's were it is. Peace and love to my deepest friends and our one above.
Some people are thinking about starting school again, others are trying to squeeze in one last vacation and others try very hard not to think about wisconsin winters. I was ontop of my friend Brian's apartment overlooking downtown from the south and thought how much at ease I feel in Milwaukee. I began thinking about how fantastic the colors are in fall and I wondered if I could stay in Milwaukee for one more season. I had one of those weeks were I was surrounded by friends and activities only Milwaukee could provide. I met up with various friends I haven't seen in a while and some I see all the time, went down to water, watch a ball game while grilling out, went to the Landmark, celebrated Miller's 150th by dancing to Bon Joni. All these events made me feel at home. But by the end of the week nothing was at home.
The clouds were out and it was raining. I couldn't wait for the leaves to turn colors but that would mean the trees would shut off circulation. I could, however, wait to see my far away friends because I knew they'd always be there and something was in the works that'd all of us girls would be together. But now one is not with us anymore and it is so unfortunate it had to happen to her and now. It won't stop raining for a lot of us. But we are so happy when the little sparks of sunlight that come down on us and we can smile and laugh again. I saw even more older faces that took me back to my college days and we just shook our heads in disbelief and then we would make each other laugh at some of the stuff we did. It was bittersweet.
My friend Sara and I were driving back home and it seemed we could not get away from this gray cloud and then, close to home, we saw an opening of vast blue sky. It made me think that I needed to keep going till I find the happiest place there is. If that is were there turning leaves are that's where it is, if it is between mountains and salt water that's were it is, if it's in the warm heart of someone, that's were it is. Peace and love to my deepest friends and our one above.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Old Poems

I started thinking of a poem and I began repeating lines of poems I had written 2 years ago. This was exactly 2 years ago and it's interesting because with some of these poems I am not the speaker. Just because the person you know and love writes these poems doesn't necessarily make them the speaker. I like to put myself in someone else's shoes see what images or thoughts start coming to the surface. Bruce Springsteen does this constantly with his ballads. So it is interesting when something I have written in the past, where I totally removed myself, touches me now.
for more photographed poems, please see my temporary site,
Monday, August 15, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
From the Journal
Thursday, August 11, 2005
My love fortune
A combination of two things spurred this - my fortune at the Thai resturant and thinking back on when I used to get sent "get to know you" questionaires from friends asking you when's the last time you've been to a rock show or ate peas. I went out to find a test. Here is my output after I told the love fortune lady that I was born in january, liked the color black, perfered california to florida and I had to enter a man's name. Just to solidify my answers I put in bruce springsteen's name with the color red and instead of being an agressive person I was a cheery person, (still the same number of predicted days the Boss and I were going to get together).
1. You are deeply in love with, or soon will be with xxxx.
2. You keep mostly to your self and you are very aggressive.
3. gina johnson, you have lots of love in your life and most likely you currently have a crush.
4. You will have a good year over all and you will soon have a crush or you already do.
5. You like making out and parties.
6. gina is one of your best friends.
7. It will take you 8 days to get together with xxxx.
8. You like making out and parties.
9. You are wild person and you love to make out.
10. Your wish: " xxx xxxxxxx"
This wish will only come true if you really believe in it! Telling other people about this LoveTest fortune teller might also help.
This would so be true if I were back in the fourth grade and I'd be making my wedding dress out of hot loops to marry the dorky boy at the end of my street.
1. You are deeply in love with, or soon will be with xxxx.
2. You keep mostly to your self and you are very aggressive.
3. gina johnson, you have lots of love in your life and most likely you currently have a crush.
4. You will have a good year over all and you will soon have a crush or you already do.
5. You like making out and parties.
6. gina is one of your best friends.
7. It will take you 8 days to get together with xxxx.
8. You like making out and parties.
9. You are wild person and you love to make out.
10. Your wish: " xxx xxxxxxx"
This wish will only come true if you really believe in it! Telling other people about this LoveTest fortune teller might also help.
This would so be true if I were back in the fourth grade and I'd be making my wedding dress out of hot loops to marry the dorky boy at the end of my street.
Monday, August 08, 2005
googling gina johnson
In a quest to find myself - I googled myself
+Gina Johnson was abducted by mob boss Nick Manzetti. Both Manzetti and Gina went missing during a rescue attempt.
+My name is Gina Johnson and I am the proud mother of seven beautiful children including a son David who has Down syndrome
+Gina Johnson, Tattooist
I picked out my first tattoo while at a shop owned by friends of the family. Everyone laughed, not at the unicorn and rainbow design but because I was only eight years old.
+Gina Johnson - Gina lives in Iowa with her husband, Chad, and two of her children. She is a Reiki Master, Master Dowser, a medical intuitive and uses many other natural healing methods. She is a empathic spiritual advisor and specializes in paranormal investigation and explusion.
+Lieutenant Gina M Johnson is currently assigned as the Swing Shift Operations Deputy Commander for the Southern Command. She began her career with the Nevada Highway Patrol in March of 1991.
+Gina Johnson understands that there are many reasons for selling your home and she is willing to work with you for the smoothest experience possible.
+I would like torecognize Gina Johnson for her tireless and selfless service to keep the church going through all of these tribulations.
+Gina Johnson with her 10 lb Channel catfish
+My husband had forgotten to mention that he'd told Gina Johnson, the woman from the support group, that she could stop by. In his information-gathering zeal, my husband had called Gina. She was very encouraging and helpful. She wanted to meet us. She came in loaded down with books and a ceramic angel
+On April 3, 2001, Jane Williams and Gina Johnson, a same-sex couple living in Seattle, Washington, flew to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for a two-week vacation and got married there. Both marriages are valid under the Dutch law
+Gina Johnson, promoter for the Milk Mustache Campaign said UH was one of the last schools in their 100-city tour.
+Gina Johnson, owner of The Grape Wine Bar and Bistro in Waco, said she's seen firsthand how the the 21-to-34 wine market is growing in Waco. Her establishment has seen an increase in younger adults in recent months, with most turning out on Friday nights.
+Gina Johnson was abducted by mob boss Nick Manzetti. Both Manzetti and Gina went missing during a rescue attempt.
+My name is Gina Johnson and I am the proud mother of seven beautiful children including a son David who has Down syndrome
+Gina Johnson, Tattooist
I picked out my first tattoo while at a shop owned by friends of the family. Everyone laughed, not at the unicorn and rainbow design but because I was only eight years old.
+Gina Johnson - Gina lives in Iowa with her husband, Chad, and two of her children. She is a Reiki Master, Master Dowser, a medical intuitive and uses many other natural healing methods. She is a empathic spiritual advisor and specializes in paranormal investigation and explusion.
+Lieutenant Gina M Johnson is currently assigned as the Swing Shift Operations Deputy Commander for the Southern Command. She began her career with the Nevada Highway Patrol in March of 1991.
+Gina Johnson understands that there are many reasons for selling your home and she is willing to work with you for the smoothest experience possible.
+I would like torecognize Gina Johnson for her tireless and selfless service to keep the church going through all of these tribulations.
+Gina Johnson with her 10 lb Channel catfish
+My husband had forgotten to mention that he'd told Gina Johnson, the woman from the support group, that she could stop by. In his information-gathering zeal, my husband had called Gina. She was very encouraging and helpful. She wanted to meet us. She came in loaded down with books and a ceramic angel
+On April 3, 2001, Jane Williams and Gina Johnson, a same-sex couple living in Seattle, Washington, flew to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for a two-week vacation and got married there. Both marriages are valid under the Dutch law
+Gina Johnson, promoter for the Milk Mustache Campaign said UH was one of the last schools in their 100-city tour.
+Gina Johnson, owner of The Grape Wine Bar and Bistro in Waco, said she's seen firsthand how the the 21-to-34 wine market is growing in Waco. Her establishment has seen an increase in younger adults in recent months, with most turning out on Friday nights.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
what does your grandma burn?

Here's a photo from up-north last weekend. Grandma was burning bowling pins because they seem to burn well, as you can see here. I thought what a great photo opportunity! I'm getting back into photography and painting if anyone wants to pay me to paint, draw and write poems rather than go back to corporate America, I'm all ears.
I haven't gone digital so this has taken awhile to get developed. It is ironic because my good friend and I were chatting about how awful it is to get a roll back and you find yourself starring at ex-boyfriends. The picture can't apologize, walk out the door, give you a hug, it doesn't care if you curse at it. It sits and sits with your other pictures till you find the courage to throw it away..but throw away a photo... arghF!
Please keep posting on my past two posts. It's research...
Friday, August 05, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
20 Questions
It's too hot to think today. So I'm opening up this post to see if I can't get 20 people to ask me 20 questions. Ask away. Ask me anything!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
++++++++++++ haiku 2
my veracity
leads me to dancing shadows
the dark never sets
starch white stale and pale
bedsheets go popping at night
happy mallard ducks
my veracity
leads me to dancing shadows
the dark never sets
starch white stale and pale
bedsheets go popping at night
happy mallard ducks
Monday, August 01, 2005
go to broadway if you want a show
If you're looking for a very dramatic weekend filled with boozing and making of descructive weapons, go away. It didn't happen. It was a placid weekend where I could drive away the residue of my past insanitites and let my head out up in the northern woods. I haven't figured out how to conquer the world but I'm pretty close to at least understanding my own little niche in the world. And lo and behold after feeling totally rejuvinated (and after washing lake water off) I ended my weekend ontop of a tall building overlooking milwaukee to the north, south, west and east. and then in the "height" of things, I felt safe.
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