In a battle of making decisions where do we make them - from the mind or the the heart?
In a quest to find out more below are my findings. But if say, for example, you had to choose between two different things - one made your heart rush and the other was more in depth, planned, now fail safe because it has been thought about from all sides. ha - I think I just answered my own question....
"In ancient Egypt and Greece, the heart was the most important organ. Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322B.C.) noted that an injury to the heart meant immediate death, whereas head injuries usually brought far less serious consequences and could even heal. He observed, too, that one's heartbeat changed with one's emotional state and that the brain seemed to be without sensation, for touching the brain of a living animal evoked no response. The action of the heart, he concluded, seemed to correspond with life itself. The soul-the independent force driving that life--most likely resided in the liver
Unlike Aristotle, Pythagoras (circa 570-496 B.C.) and Hippocrates (circa 460-370 B.C.) both had considered the brain to be the "noblest" part of the body. Plato (427-347B.C.) shared this point of view. He assigned the lower passions such as lust and greed to the liver and the higher ones such as pride, courage, anger and fear to the heart. For reason, it was the brain." -Robert-Benjamin
"head thinking is fractured and separatist, while heart thinking is holistic...Head thinking is fractured. It will look at one aspect of a situation at a time and draw conclusions based on that, while ignoring others. Modern civilization is a perfect example of head thinking, for all its systems are based on separatism." -Suma Varughese
"How many times have you heard people around you say “my heart is saying yes, but my mind is saying no?” That’s basically where this theory originated from. My friends and I are always talking about our problems, just to verbalize how we feel. We find it funny how we all know what the right thing to do is, but somehow, our heart manages to influence our minds and confuse us even more. It’s like my pastor said, The heart is a very deceitful thing.
At the same time, how can you feel that genuine love without it? No matter how much you try to rationalize with your heart, it often wins over the mind; thus, heartbreak occurs in most cases. The brain is usually right - don’t get hurt - it says, but the heart is so stubborn that it always has to find out the hard way. The real battle in life is between the heart and mind."