Ah my first post for 2007.
So much has happened since my last writing. We celebrated Christmas, a new year and my 25th birthday. All very exciting things capped off with a glass of something.
This years Christmas celebrated a blending of a family. The house was louder and wrapping paper lay in pieces. This year was the first year we celebrate Christmas at my Grandparent’s house. Usually we do it two weeks ahead of time because they jetset off to Florida for an extended winter stay. Due to a couple broken bones, things had to be postponed for grandma, Florida and martinis. Not to worry, at this time a flight is booked and the gin is flowing.
The week after Christmas was a drag. So…. I did a favor for my Grandma. Turns out her new car (first car that isn’t a station wagon) has cloth seats. Big problem. But her car in Florida is old and needs to be traded in, in West Bend. So the big boat and my boyfriend went 1411 miles to Fort Myers Beach, FL.
This experience was so good. I got to spend an incredible amount of time with a man I adore in the SUN! This was his first time in Florida. It was my twenty something time in Florida. Spending it will someone who is seeing this area for the first time really forces you to take advantage of living in that moment right there. It’s exciting and new all over again. It was special.
Usually I rarely venture away from the island but this time there was someone that wanted to see it all. One day we went to Sanibel. Another day we walked to the pier and shopped downtown. The last day we went to the Everglades. I seriously thought the bF was joking about seeing alligators as we crossed the Georgia border into Florida. We signed up for a boat tour in hopes of seeing true Florida wildlife. The tour took us through the 1000 islands off the lower western tip. Soon enough we had dolphins jumping in circles and playing in the wake. It was just beautiful.
After not seeing any gators someone HAD to inquire about where to see some big ass gators. 15 minutes later we driving up to a 17 mile stretch of gator territory. The further you go, the bigger they get. I stayed my safe distance behind the wheel but Mr. Alligator Hunter ventured near the brush to uncover heaps of gators. We saw over 50 and that is enough for my lifetime. Those huge beasts are scary!
New Years-
This new years was by far the best. No traveling from bar to friends house to bar shivering from the cold and wondering when your heels are going to snap from dancing to much. Nope none of that. We dragged two beach chairs about 100 feet and sat next to the water with a bottle of champagne while watching the many fireworks shows along the beach. It was forth of July all over again.
The drive home – 44 Cracker Barrels
My birthday-
Woke up in Louisville. Ran errands in Milwaukee. Had dinner at Casablanca on Brady St and drinks with my great friend Sara.
My birthday celebration –
Had a blast with my close friends. We threw some darts and went dancing and my sister is no longer a Jo Cats virgin.