There was a day a week ago that I was having a really bad day at work. So when Mike (the bF) picked me up I asked if we could go to the liquor store before dropping me off at my place. Sure! Of course I didn't know what I wanted. I needed to keep on working so wine was out of the question, and I would end up drinking too much beer if that was my choice. So I ended up in the hard booze section. When in doubt always get gin. So that's what I did - the best stuff - bombay saphirre. Oh so good. Add on a bottle of tonic and a lime and I was now happy holding my paper bag of wonderfulness.
And it did the trick that night and the night after that. Well, come a couple days ago when I now really need a cocktail (I didn't have one every night...stop dialing AA) I found that I had run out of tonic. I could either run to the store which would be a 15 minute trip OR keep right on working with gin on the rocks. I took the later and a lot more rocks. After trying to acquire a taste for straight gin my craving dissappeared. Now I had still a lot of gin left in my glass and I thought back to the Florida beach house where I learned from my Grandma that you could freeze your drink and take it back out whenever you wanted, add some more mixer and you're good to go. And that's what I did.
So happy that I didn't waste my top shelf gin I was very proud of myself. Until the next night where it disappeared, upon investigation the glass had made itself into the dishwasher. Apparently my roommate must think I'm an alcholic for putting a glass of water in the freezer.