Monday, March 28, 2005

Thank you for the single rose

My mom always said a single rose was much more precious than a dozen. It’s not about how much cash you have how many friends you have. It’s about a single thing. You are a single person with one mind. It takes one good idea. It takes one I love you and not a mouthful. I had a guy once tell me he loved me about 20 times a day and at the end of the day it didn’t mean anything anymore. One would have done the job. But that was years ago and now I’m talking about roses. Smell the roses my friend.

During my so far six weeks here I have learned to share, be more open, learn to take showers while talking to other people who are brushing their teeth, learn to not wear as much makeup, learn to eat different food, learn what it is to be special and to make someone feel special. Life is about helping, sharing and caring.
This may not make sense to most, but thank you for the single rose.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    You said it...overkill is just the saying "I am sorry" over and over have learned one of lives lessons...there is more significance in one meaningful thought or word...when you know it was from the heart it means oh so much more. It is amazing to see in your words how much you have grown and learned in your time away. How wonderful it is that you have this opportunity to learn about yourself in a way that only you can when you are not surrounded by preconceived notions about how you should act or what you should do. Free to truly be yourself and have others see you for you. I can't wait for you to come home~! ter
