Sunday, July 17, 2005

Mellow Airflow

So this weekend i took off for St. Louis via the loud and obnoxious route. It all started with this man jaw woman. You know those people who you think are a woman and probably are but they're just a little rough around the face and wonder if they've even taken a lover. This woman that I hoped would have stayed in Chicago and/or gotten kicked off in Chicago sat right in front of me all the way to St. Louis. During this trip she managed to pull someone's hair, cry over her "lover", tell the bus driver all about this "lover", spill her soda up and down the bus, shove her ass right in Mr. via Portland face. At this moment I bonded with the soon-to-be-pro-boxer. Hunka-hunka, it was the jaw line that did me in and we wished we were sitting in the back of the bus. Too bad he was going to Denver and we said goodbye in St. Louis.

So I put on my party hat and my partner in crime for the weekend, a college friend, picked me up and we headed to bar that served miller lite in 24oz bottles. The thing with being in a new town is you can do whatever you please and not have to worry about seeing these people again. I should have, could have walked up to several guys but I'm too chicken to actually approach a man. so I didn't and I just took compliments for my hat and gave them a smile. So we left his friends to boobs and bud light and we headed to a trendy club that spins wicked tracks. very posh-posh.

I didn't give in to the Bud light but I gave into the cardinals. I figured it best to root root root for the home team if I didn't care about either team. They'll be playing the Brewers anyway and we all will be crossing our fingers praying, making sacrifices just to see them maybe not. Later that night we reconnected with his friends that would rather be hanging out with a stripper and the other going to a gay club. Yeah, we were that cool. I took confidence in white wine and Mr. Jack Daniel who saw me through the night.

A good book to read when you have to kill time: "I Dream of Microwaves" the line that made me read the book: "Good. News. I am through with big dicks and henceforth thinking constanlty of you." I thought of some people and sighed, tough luck for them. The author lives in Madison. Go read it on a ride back from somewhere.

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