Thursday, March 30, 2006


Thank you to those you prayed to the apartment gods - Gina has a found a place. A rather spacious place. And ever close place to Brady. Sara I know you really wanted to go to Pitches bar for you birthday, but can we go sooner? It's a half block away! So what was the first thing I noticed? A clean sink. Did you know that dishes belong in a cupboard and not in the sink! Amazing the difference! I will keep you up to date.


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Yippee!! We get to keep you in Milwaukee a little bit longer.

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Really? I keep my sweaters in the cupboard...

  3. do just keep them there year 'round or just the summer months?

  4. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I Just put your old address in my address book !! can,t wait to add the new one. How many new people to adjust to?? Am having a heard time adjusting to my new address and system. If you got my new address, which is Let me know, although I am not sure i can get into my e-mail messages, Love. grandmaaaaaaa

  5. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Yay, now we're neighbors! i live on brady too
