Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Weekend Update: The Warm front is moving up

So while most of my girlfriends left me for Vegas and Minnesota and my guy friends left me for an ex-boyfriends wedding I spent the weekend twidling my thumbs, yeah not really.

1. Thought I was going to a formal dinner party until the wedding veil, feather boa and whip came out.
2. Made it to Turner Hall for dinner and didn't get sick. Last time I had the fish fry I puked on the sidewalk an hour later.
3. Went to this great German beer House where the girls wore tight bossom dresses and some men wore leprachan shorts.
4. Threw a temper-tantrum in my upholstery class
5. Set up my new pad so it feels more like home.
6. Headed to North Ave only to retire from ever playing darts again, well unless I get a handicap of 51 points.
7. Capital Brewery has a new beer which is absolutely fantastic.
8. Added onto my New Years Resolution: Learn how to make pancakes
9. Watch my high school crush, Vince Carter, play and beat the Bucks.
10. Embraced this new weather called the sixties!


  1. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I didn't ditch you for an ex bf's wedding!

  2. Well you did ditch me for a different wedding. I bet the girls were all over you, wanting to dance

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    do NOT tell me mike gavin is off the market?! damn!

  4. Praise God for that woman!

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Don't be mean just because you both missed your chance. Jeepers!

  6. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I knew he was getting married, and I know I'M married, but a small piece of me thought we'd hook up eventually... :-p

  7. you just needed to get drunk more, then maybe, just maybe
