Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Weekend Update: Should come with a Warning

Some things should come with a warning label.

1. Our waitress at Mama Mia's should leave her botox needle and shimmery lipgloss behind.
2. Love songs from 1983 should not be allowed in clubs.
3. Tequila may cause drowsiness at the County Claire
4. Working on the weekends is not fun and makes one stay sober.
5. Men get PMS too.
6. Black lingerie, furry lingerie, pink lingerie on someone other than me or a mannequin is scary
7. When older women get drunk the world is at their fingertips.
8. Getting my nails and toes done may be addictive.
9. Painting with a combination of alcohol will create chaos and a little less painting.
10. Remember when you share pie to always steal the larger piece.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Love songs from 1983 should ALWAYS be allowed in clubs!
