Thursday, November 02, 2006

I finally started yelling

I yelled at my roommate yesterday. It felt good.

Tuesdays are very busy for me – I work from 8-5, then run home to quick eat, then jump in my car and head to upholstery class. I don’t get home until 9:30 which this Tuesday I have to go straight to my laptop and work 3 more hours on freelance. This means I don’t have time for anything else. When I get home “W” has my hair dryer out and is sealing up the plastic on the windows. Fine – but how long was he in my room looking for my hair dryer? Then on my way to my upstairs room -hands full with cookies and milk, “W” tells me, not asks me, “ I’m going to need a hand in 5 minutes.” Seriously dude this wasn’t in my agenda and I head upstairs shaking my head. “And I’m going to wrap your skylight next.” At which point I have to put my foot down and tell him gently I want him no where upstairs.

The next morning I’m blow drying my hair when I look at my nicely covered chair I did last semester. Wait is that a shoe print? I run to my closet grab my sneakers and to my best judgement they are 2 inches shy of that mark. I run downstairs looking for the stepper but god saved him, he has already left for work.

Wed night I get home. There he is cluttering up the sink. I went in for the kill.
Me: “Did you step on my green chair?”
W: “Oh o, did I break it?”
Me: “ Why did you step on my chair?”
W: “Oh shoot I’m sorry”
Me: “ W, I worked long and hard on the chair for it NOT to be stepped on! You’re always disrespecting my stuff, you eat my bananas, you threw away my bridesmaid bouquet and you go through my room without even asking! I’m sick of hearing I’m sorry – just cut it out and respect my stuff”

That should do it – if not his raisin bran is going over the balcony.


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Yelling is good. It clears the air, but most of all, it makes you feel better. Dave said it is snowing in Wi. We have the A/C on here at the Beach. Much to warm to work, so book reading and playing dominoes is on the menu. Tomorrow, we are off to the flea market and Home Depot to buy a ceiling fan for the porch. It only took me 2 years to talk grandpa into it. Our dishwasher is also on the blimp, so may have to invest in a new one. Katie and some of her college friends are coming and staying at the house Dec. l3th to Dec. 2lst. We get here Dec. 22nd as well as Judy, Bob & kids. Lots of dolphins swimming in the Gulf. Glad things are better with BF. Love

  2. Yeah putting my foot down felt good. I should do it more often. Grandma - send me to Florida, NOW! Ok so I suppose I can wait until February. Wish I had your heat problem - snow flurries were racing past my window at work!
