Monday, February 18, 2008

From the farm to dinosaurs

So you've all heard about the stories about my past roommate, the barn yard animal. I now have another grievance against a designosaurous. This species is known to surround itself with things it cannot detach from, making its surrounding unlikeable to those who enter. Usually you'll find this creature in front of a glowing computer monitor moving very slowly. Designosaurous do not adapt to change very well nor do they migrate. Thought to have nasty skin and a thick skull, communication is clearly very hard and not recommended unless the designosaurous approaches you. Designosaurous' are quiet defensive, so speak slowly and calmly, any sense of eye roll movement will put this beast into a crazy spiral. Remember designosaurous either were trained with or without computers. Technology paired with smart design can be quiet cumbersome. It's is hard to encourage futuristic design or even thoughtful design. Let the animal be until it is extinct. Do not put on the endangered species list and please pack aspirin or a six-pack to deal with day to day pitfalls due to this animal.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I just got back from Florida and am checking my E-Mail. What on earth do you mean about the dinosaurs ??????Lots of big words !!!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:51 AM

    You write very well.
