Thursday, November 20, 2008


Gas is now $1.89.

Last Friday it was $1.99 which I didn't think it would hit that mark until the end of the year. Christmas has come early for gas guzzlers. Where will it be by the end the year, lower or higher? I was reading the December issue of Money Magazine which experts said the gas price may drop to the price it was last year...around $2.35. If the experts aren't on, who else isn't? The government. This price drop is a better bailout plan than Bush sending out checks to everyone but the rich.

My question is why is a half gallon of milk more expensive than gas?


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I don,t hear you complaining about the price of a half gallon of wine. Wonder why that is ????

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Or a bottle of gin...
