In twelve more hours we will enter 2006.
Funny to think that Australia already celebrated the new year 4 hours ago.
So do I feel like I had an accomplishing year? Seeing has how I never made a resolution last year yes.
Upon my many adventures traveling, hanging out with friends and trying to date again I can enter 2006 a smarter woman. I fell in love, danced my butt off, pretended I was Swedish, lived out a suitcase for 3 months, drank way to much, got a promotion at work, watch my sister grow up, got more work, said goodbye too early to a friend and roommate, lived in the most beautiful place in the world, saw the galaxy, watched my family expand, got my heart broken, established better friendships, learned to be more open and honest, gave up meat, bought my first new car, learned to laugh more, started saving the planet, heightened my obsession with The Boss, learned when a relationship is a disaster that there is nothing that can fix it, learned to forgive and cherish the good moments rather than the bad, threw out a lot of mold and toothbrushes, made some new girl friends, was awakened by Buddhism, kissed a lot of unpotential guys, did a lot of running.
Next year I will acquire a taste for martinis, drink less, drink more tea, not think too hard about guys and relationships, be a better friend, a sister, a daughter and step sibling, figure out where I want to live, indulge in the mountains, detach myself from the computer, make art, make new friends, decrease negativity, be more productive, try to work on my six-pack abs, help someone in need, educate.
live and love life.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
the blog needs a resolution
hello all, its coming up on new years and we are all making or not making our resolutions. I figured the blog needed a resolution as well. My grandma would like to see less drinking. More posts about late night bar hopping might make me a seat in AA. For example a few suggestions could include my sister's new job. Considering she didn't know how to open a bottle of wine or still has an adult helper cut her meat this could prove a challenging adventure. OR I could elaborate on stalking plans with the chicago bulls. I'll have to ask my chicago friend which one we are stalking first. OR gina's dating experience is always a good laugh. POST POST POST!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
the radio is clean
Yes the radio is clean again! I can turn on my stations and listen to my oldies without frosty! How exciting, however I did get a the 30th anniversary bruce springsteen collection so I will have to wear out that cd first. Speaking of Bruce does anyone want to come over and watch my bruce springsteen dvds. (wink)
Monday, December 26, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas Eve
Hope everyone has a happy holiday and if you could refrain from shopping today that would be excellent as now I need to brave a shopping mall.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Time in a Pickle Jar - Part 2
You will be happy to know that I successfully matched up Boy Friday and Boy Saturday's phone numbers. Crisis Adverted? Never.... Both boys called and messaged me Saturday. Fine - I'm hanging out with my sister anyway so I cannot hang out with either. That is till I come home. Boy Friday and Boy Saturday seem to have a mutual friend that happens to live across the hall. I call up my lovely friends Jeff and Chris to come over and we have a great time but I think after an hour or so of Boy Friday and Saturday wanting "this girl" across the hall to come over I think they final realize that they are talking about the same girl. Why can't I just have fun! Stay tuned for my next move!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Rich People don't care about Christmas, or they could be Jewish
Yesterday I took a little drive along Lake Drive with intentions of seeing spectacular light displays. I was very disappointed. Here these people have emptied out there piggy banks to finance some of the best houses in Milwaukee and they can't even look through there couch cushions to pay there servants to hang up some bloody lights! Maybe it's the cost of heating there mansion that they can't afford to plug in 100ft of lights or a waving Santa. Maybe there servants boycotted Christmas or maybe everyone on Lake drive is just Jewish.
Friday, December 16, 2005
FYI: I'm still alive
Just a little note that I am not the gina johnson that passed away Dec. 12 as posted by the Milwaukee Journal Setinel. If you would still like to send flowers and money you can send them to my milwaukee address. I perfer orchids but since they are out of season, and holiday plants would be fine.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Double time in a Pickle Jar
What happens when you give your phone number out to two guys that both happen to have the same name?
Sunday, December 11, 2005
The Weekend Update
If you're going to party this weekend you better do it right
1. Miller Time - good for an after work celebatory beer
2. the Neighboors Apartment - good for playing trivial pursuit
3. the Stranger's Apartment - good for shots and an unlimited amount of beer
4. Eastsider - good for meeting my friends and strong vodka cranberries
5. Club Havana - good for getting hooked up with the co-worker discount shot, creepy men, and spicey music
6. Flannery's - good for kodak moments
7. the Neighbor's Apartment (post party) - good for pouring white russians all over their kitchen table
8. my Apartment (post party)- good for putting my pick-up line into action, "Wanna come over and watch my Bruce Springsteen dvds"
1. the Mirmar theater - good for puppet shows - you know ones with a penis - yes just a penis - actually there were no puppets - just a couple men doing tricks - yes with their penis.
2. the Vucerria - good for $5 martinis and learning that my girl friend thinks cheese ages well, 6 is the new 26, and finalizing plans for stalking some of the Chicago Bulls.
3. the Garage - a good place to watch your friends transform into sober to not sober
4. Jo Cats - a great place to shake your butt and get down and I mean get down.
5. the Walk Home - a good place to holla at boys to come over
6. my Apartment - a good place to keep on drinking
7. the Hallway - a good place to bring the neighbor's party over
8. my Apartment - (see #6) and blast the music before getting yelled at, sing and dance with bankers and watch my friend seduce yet another one
1. my Apartment - wake up to someone cleaning my apartment and learning that I was up almost till sunrise
2. Gills - an quiet place to have breakfast with four of my dearest friends
1. Miller Time - good for an after work celebatory beer
2. the Neighboors Apartment - good for playing trivial pursuit
3. the Stranger's Apartment - good for shots and an unlimited amount of beer
4. Eastsider - good for meeting my friends and strong vodka cranberries
5. Club Havana - good for getting hooked up with the co-worker discount shot, creepy men, and spicey music
6. Flannery's - good for kodak moments
7. the Neighbor's Apartment (post party) - good for pouring white russians all over their kitchen table
8. my Apartment (post party)- good for putting my pick-up line into action, "Wanna come over and watch my Bruce Springsteen dvds"
1. the Mirmar theater - good for puppet shows - you know ones with a penis - yes just a penis - actually there were no puppets - just a couple men doing tricks - yes with their penis.
2. the Vucerria - good for $5 martinis and learning that my girl friend thinks cheese ages well, 6 is the new 26, and finalizing plans for stalking some of the Chicago Bulls.
3. the Garage - a good place to watch your friends transform into sober to not sober
4. Jo Cats - a great place to shake your butt and get down and I mean get down.
5. the Walk Home - a good place to holla at boys to come over
6. my Apartment - a good place to keep on drinking
7. the Hallway - a good place to bring the neighbor's party over
8. my Apartment - (see #6) and blast the music before getting yelled at, sing and dance with bankers and watch my friend seduce yet another one
1. my Apartment - wake up to someone cleaning my apartment and learning that I was up almost till sunrise
2. Gills - an quiet place to have breakfast with four of my dearest friends
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Office Politics
Today I got scorned because I threw away an old box top that was our organizational means of holding legal size paper. I WAS trying to make a better work flow - however clutter and dust fashions well in my office. Now, what color holiday ornaments go well with the nazi symbol above my desk?
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
One Month
"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals,
it's because I hate vegetables!"
- Woody Allen
it's because I hate vegetables!"
- Woody Allen
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Corona and Sun: Adventures in Mexico

Greetings, I am back from Mexico and I know you are anxious to here about the shit in the sink and other fun stories.
Preface: Wednesday night was the second biggest drinking night of the year, behind New Year's Eve. So my sister now 21 and I back in West Bend went and hit up the bars downtown, her with her friends and me with mine. There were lines to get into the hick-est of bars and snow (snow! - I haven't seen snow before Thanksgiving in ages! ) So I had arranged to pick Danielle up from the bar on my way home. Hmmm no Danielle and the bar is empty - so I arrived home around 2:30 and set the alarm for 4.
I woke up to my father and the light on saying I had five minuetes to get into the car. I ran around like a mad woman pushing the rest of my clothes into my bag and jumped into the freezing car. There I finally found Danielle happy as can be. I was glad I wasn't hungover but I still smelled like bar luckily Danielle was in the same boat - except for the hungover part (she was still drunk during the car ride to Chicago and doesn't remember it)
It must be a family trait because on my 21st birthday I went to Vegas and puked on the plane. Needless to say, Danielle not only matched that but twice over. Here she is happy in the sand. I tried getting her drunk but she just wouldn't drink fast enough!

We went to an All-Inclusive resort in Nuevo Vallarta - just north of Puerto Vallarta. That means not only free food, but drinks 24/7 at the various bars and swim up bars. Yes swim up bars.
Top ten drinks:
1. Sangria
2. Strawberry Daiquiri
3. Pina Colada
4. Long Island
5. The Tornado
7. Mai Tai
8. Corona
9. Sex on the Beach
10. Amaretto in coffee
The resort was fabulous and the weather was excellent. It was more American-ized than expected so I was itching to get out into real culture.
Danielle and I soaked up the sun and proceed from white to burned.
In the afternoon we took a taxi to Old Town in Puerto Vallarta. It was interesting seeing signs in Spanish as well as pickups carry 3 - 10 people. We walked around trying to find senor frogs but ended up going to a bar/club called HILO. A huge statue was portruding out from the building and it radiated red light. We sat on chairs upholstered with cow hydes next to the street where the little mexican would try to get me to buy one of his roses. We assumed the theme of the bar was a heaven/hell mix but upon translation of several waiters we figured it had to do with the history of thread. I'm still scratching my head at that one.
We headed back to the resort giddy and ready to eat at the Spanish/Italian restaurant. Upon receiving our first course it was decided that the waiter didn't know what we ordered and also seeing other people get served ahead of us I decided to head out to the drink bar and fill up on long islands. I have no idea what or why we all were laughing so hard but other table were looking and all we wanted was our food. Finally we got our food and became entralled with the flamming dessert at the other table. We had to have one.
After dinner we headed to the club sans Danielle. They played this 10 minuete long spanish dance song. It's similar to the marcarana where there are dance moves but it is not as repititious. My favorite is when the shirts come off. I told Terry it was her surprise bachellorette party. You will have to wait this pic till Dad figures out his digital camera. (no he did not take the pic - I did : ) So after much drinking and dancing we headed back. I swung by the outside bar and picked up a drink for 40 yard walk home.
So while sipping my drink and talking to Dad we hearded Terry run down the stairs screaming. She said there are turds in the sink! Turds in the sink. Then she filled us on some more information - they also have eyes! Yes turds with eyes are in her sink. Was this a Mexican prank? So we ran up to take a gander. Yup there they were turds with eyes and I wanted to see what would happen if I turned the water on. They moved! I was trying to figure out how these frog/mice/turd things crawled up into the sink. It just wasn't possible! Dad to the rescue removed the now deemed as "bats" outside. Bats Bats Bats were in the sink! Ewww - yes I have a pic of that one too.
We headed to Las Calentas - a destination only one could get to by boat. It was fabricated so it looked like a resort but enough so it still had some culture. Bathrooms were in little huts and sinks were bowls. There were beautiful parrots and monkeys. Here Dad made a new friend. I just don't understand why he can bond with our dogs like that?

Here is me chillin in a hammock

Here is Dad and Terri who braved the cool waters to swim to the raft. I was told there were some beautiful fish and sting rays. Terri lost her sunglasses and Dad played Subca Steve - decked out in googles, a snorkel and fins. Really wish we could have captured that but some things are just so funny that you have to sit and laugh and try not to piss yourself.

Everyone in the group went on a nature hike and I wanted to do yoga. Yoga wasn't happening but Mr. John from Dallas was. A young lad approached me. I found out latter that my family was spying on me while high up in the mountain while I was chatting away. He and I took our own nature hike and ended up discovering hundreds of crabs. When we finally decided to turn around we say everyone was boarding the boat to go home. Ah! The mexicans were yelling at us in Spanish to get on the boat. Too bad he was too young for me to want to make an effort to his request to come party with him.
Dinner highlights: the waiter who meow-ed and convincing danielle that mexican steak was kangaroo.
We finally ALL went to the club. Dani and I have a blast dancing. Dad and Terry were even rolling out some moves. Then two guys approached Danielle and I and we danced and danced and danced. It was steamy. We decided to leave because you can be a good dancer and still be a dud. So she went to bed and I stayed up trying to watch this Mexican soap opera - until it turned into porn. Porn on basic cable - those mexicans must be happy!
Last day! If you're a vegetarian on an airplane - you're going to go hungry. If you're a woman who has nice hair you're going to get your hairspray taken.

Sunday, November 27, 2005
Who Shit in the Sink?
Writings and pictures from Mexico are on their way, but can you guess who shit in the sink?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Tofu and the great beyond
Day 21 without meat
I had my first experience with tofu tonight. Unlike men, I had low expecatations going in. But I think this relationship is going to work.
I had my first experience with tofu tonight. Unlike men, I had low expecatations going in. But I think this relationship is going to work.
I think my roommate is using my toothbrush
I had to buy a new toothbrush because mine disappeared. One of my roommates leaves and sleeps at her boyfriend's place, taking her toothbrush with. One day last week I went to brush my teeth and saw two brushes that weren't mine. I went out a bought a new one, it's blue. My old one did return home but I sure wasn't going to use it. I was going to use it for cleaning the cracks in the shower, so I left it till I felt so inclinded to do so. If we do the math their should be a total of 4 toothbrushes. Two are mine and two, one for each of my roommates. So last night after the horrible Packer I went to clean my pretty teeth. How many toothbrushes? TWO! Two toothbrushes and both are mine, where did they go and why is my old one wet??? What's next, sharing underwear?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Just how retarded is retarded?
Public comments are now being accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its newly proposed federal regulation regarding the testing of chemicals and pesticides on human subjects. Earlier this year, Congress had mandated the EPA create a rule that permanently bans chemical testing on pregnant women and children, but the EPA's newly proposed rule puts industry profits ahead of children's welfare. The rule allows for government and industry scientists to treat children as human guinea pigs in chemical experiments in the following situations:
1. Children who "cannot be reasonably consulted," such as those that are mentally handicapped or orphaned newborns may be tested on. With permission from the institution or guardian in charge of the individual, the child may be exposed to chemicals for the sake of research.
2. Parental consent forms are not necessary for testing on children who have been neglected or abused.
3. Chemical studies on any children outside of the U.S. are acceptable.
taken from:
Whoever thought of this is retarded or has been reading too many comic books. If you dump pesticide all over your offspring chances are they'll get really pissed at you later in life. Your soul will rot in hell and your child will not be the next spiderman.
Public comments are now being accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its newly proposed federal regulation regarding the testing of chemicals and pesticides on human subjects. Earlier this year, Congress had mandated the EPA create a rule that permanently bans chemical testing on pregnant women and children, but the EPA's newly proposed rule puts industry profits ahead of children's welfare. The rule allows for government and industry scientists to treat children as human guinea pigs in chemical experiments in the following situations:
1. Children who "cannot be reasonably consulted," such as those that are mentally handicapped or orphaned newborns may be tested on. With permission from the institution or guardian in charge of the individual, the child may be exposed to chemicals for the sake of research.
2. Parental consent forms are not necessary for testing on children who have been neglected or abused.
3. Chemical studies on any children outside of the U.S. are acceptable.
taken from:
Whoever thought of this is retarded or has been reading too many comic books. If you dump pesticide all over your offspring chances are they'll get really pissed at you later in life. Your soul will rot in hell and your child will not be the next spiderman.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Weekend Update
Instead of going to my regular hangouts here's what I did instead.

1. Looked stylish in some bowling shoes at the Landmark
2. Sipped cosmos with some fine gentlemen at Hotel Metro, hey Sara did you call that guy yet?
3. Bounced around in a sea of napkins, sang songs and broke glasses at Lucilles.
4. Figured out it's perfectly normal that an estimated bar hopping travel time in Appleton is between 10-30 minutes.
5. Regulars in Appleton like to buy a round of shots that they thought of themselves. Apple Pucker shouldn't be allowed in bars, only in a 5 mile radius around a University
6. Received wine not from a normal bottle but the little airplane ones, talk about quality
7. Hit the dance floor with the only other single girl in our 30+ group and was able to dance with anyone and everyone
8. Involuntary task of become the relationship therapist for my drunk friends who are in a love triangle
9. Had a good hearty conversation about porn
10. Proved strong and didn't eat the meat slices of our 3 foot by 3 foot pizza.

1. Looked stylish in some bowling shoes at the Landmark
2. Sipped cosmos with some fine gentlemen at Hotel Metro, hey Sara did you call that guy yet?
3. Bounced around in a sea of napkins, sang songs and broke glasses at Lucilles.
4. Figured out it's perfectly normal that an estimated bar hopping travel time in Appleton is between 10-30 minutes.
5. Regulars in Appleton like to buy a round of shots that they thought of themselves. Apple Pucker shouldn't be allowed in bars, only in a 5 mile radius around a University
6. Received wine not from a normal bottle but the little airplane ones, talk about quality
7. Hit the dance floor with the only other single girl in our 30+ group and was able to dance with anyone and everyone
8. Involuntary task of become the relationship therapist for my drunk friends who are in a love triangle
9. Had a good hearty conversation about porn
10. Proved strong and didn't eat the meat slices of our 3 foot by 3 foot pizza.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Day Seven
I"ve been waiting seven days to post this. It seems one week or one month or one year seem to mean something more than 5 days, 5 months, 5 hours, etc...
Well I'm happy to announce a major life decision. That is the choice not to eat meat. Sorry Grandma - no turkey for me for thanksgiving, cow tongue for christmas (gross) or fishes (for now) from up north. I finally got disgusted after waiting for deli meat. I wanted to puke right there but I didn't because I've been eating it for 23 years. Then a week ago I got a book about living lightly on the earth and that just pushed me to give up meat right there ( After I finished my tuna salad sandwich - a girl can have her last meat meal! ). So it's been one week. Today at the Michigan Diner with Jeff was my first experience dining with a meat covered menu. It should be an interesting challenge. I will miss certain food but in the end I feel my soul will be better for not eating something with a brain, what we receive from the land will be some much more fruitful and my body will be in slammin shape. ( As if it isn't already )
Well I'm happy to announce a major life decision. That is the choice not to eat meat. Sorry Grandma - no turkey for me for thanksgiving, cow tongue for christmas (gross) or fishes (for now) from up north. I finally got disgusted after waiting for deli meat. I wanted to puke right there but I didn't because I've been eating it for 23 years. Then a week ago I got a book about living lightly on the earth and that just pushed me to give up meat right there ( After I finished my tuna salad sandwich - a girl can have her last meat meal! ). So it's been one week. Today at the Michigan Diner with Jeff was my first experience dining with a meat covered menu. It should be an interesting challenge. I will miss certain food but in the end I feel my soul will be better for not eating something with a brain, what we receive from the land will be some much more fruitful and my body will be in slammin shape. ( As if it isn't already )
Monday, November 07, 2005
Can of Dreams
So I woke up this morning very confused. I had a dream that in the dream I could decide between two things and I picked the thing that was worse. Now why did I did that? Did I do it because I knew it was a dream and I could indulge without hurting anyone? Or did I do it because my subconscious is saying something to me?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Gone Fishin'
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Finally saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and loved it. I had no idea what it was about. There's been this guy that's been trying to get me into for years and I thought it was some Star Trek geek thing. I was pleasantly surprised and now and can't decide who I have a bigger crush on Mos Def or Marvin.
In the game of Life

Growing up I was raised on Chinese checkers, connect four, candy land, monopoly and of course dominoes, nothing that would determine your profession, salary or family size. My little cousins got me to play the game of Life.
My first choice was to go to college or chose a career. Everyone else was going to college so I followed. I got to chose 1 or 3 professions (travel agent) and salary (90,000). Then I learned that salaries could be traded as well as careers.
Then I found out I had to get married and put a little blue guy in my passenger seat on my red station wagon. I have no idea who this guy is. Why is my salary supporting both of us riding around the life board. I should be able to pick a card for him and if says doctor I could trade seats and be along for the ride. No, not the case. I can't even kick his ass to the curb if he is a starving artist. What gives?
And now I have I have to have babies with this stranger. Just my luck, I have a boy and a girl. I don't even have time to pick their names but the major up side is no breast feeding. (like I have time to while driving).
Previously I had to pick a home. I'm camping out in a trailer. At least it's cheap because god knows my hubby isn't chipping in. Then I land on buy a cabin. I can't even trade in the crummy trailer or leave my family in the trailer and run. No I continue on. I am the first to finish and I'm already a grandparent by now and my kids still haven't left the car. They must have got the genes from my hubby to sit around and mooch of mom. Where's the education? When do they support me? Well I'm walking into the milliondollar estate and making a martini. I came in second place after my cousin that became the celebrity and her car was empty, no kids. I refused to play a second time. Thank god I never played that while being a kid because I would have some really large expectations to fulfill.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Once upon a time
Once upon a time I found a little creature up in the rafters of my grandparent's patio umbrella. First, I screamed like a little school girl. Then I thought, hmmm, he is rather cute.

I wasn't having good luck with men that week so I took him down and gave him a kiss in hopes of him turning into a prince.

He just stayed their on the stick and finally jumped away. So the moral of the story is never let little girls read or watch Disney inflicted media. It will be a harsh reality when they figure out men are evil bastards, they are fat, lazy and all they want to do is drink beer and have sex. Of course the dumbass isn't going to turn into a prince he has smoked too much pot and dealt with enough crazy girls to even want to give you a chance. I'm signing up to be a Asian bride. Shoot I can't even do that. Rats.

I wasn't having good luck with men that week so I took him down and gave him a kiss in hopes of him turning into a prince.

He just stayed their on the stick and finally jumped away. So the moral of the story is never let little girls read or watch Disney inflicted media. It will be a harsh reality when they figure out men are evil bastards, they are fat, lazy and all they want to do is drink beer and have sex. Of course the dumbass isn't going to turn into a prince he has smoked too much pot and dealt with enough crazy girls to even want to give you a chance. I'm signing up to be a Asian bride. Shoot I can't even do that. Rats.
Monday, October 24, 2005
How long is too long?
How long is too long to leave food with mold on in the fridge? Not food, but molding food? I ask because my roommates leave leftovers in the fridge for over a week, and obviously longer since it now has mold specimens on it. Now it takes a bit of time for mold to show itself. I'm curious as to would my roomies eat the food that has been in there between the stages of 5 days to pre-mold. Do they not know that they had Chinese two weeks ago? Are they waiting for a late night craving to finish it off? Just throw the food away! Now there is an abundance of molding leftovers so obviously they don't know who's is who's because there is so much nasty shit in blue and purple tupperware containers. Seriously clean it out man, go to the grocery store, keep it real, keep it healthy. The only green substance allowed in this fridge, vegetables (brocollii, asparugus, green peppers, etc.) mint leaves, lime juice, and green apples. (Mint ice cream goes in the freezer) No green frosty cake, no green beer, no green milk even though one may want it for St. Patty's day. No, it's not natural man. Food colored food is whack and I won't be having any of that. My goal this week is to teach them about mold. Next week is show them the trash dumpster outside our building. Until then keep it clean folks.
Bringing back the list
I did what?
1. Wondered where my money went
2. Told the waitress I spilled my drink because I was doing the robot (note: I was sitting not standing)
3. Woke up wondering why my bed was moved to the other side of the room, thought I was very ambitious, then I realized I wasn't in my Milw. apartment.
4. Played dominoes at a bar (double twelves for those who are curious)
5. Was the bigger person and went to say hello to the girls who spread rumors about me in high school
6. Said helloooo to Kevin Garnett. at the bucks game. 12 rows up. he was making a basket
7. Had a conversation about body hair (see below)
8. Went to a brewery tour and didn't really do the tour part
9. Had to leave the bar because I am freaked out by someone who dresses up as a hot dog
10. Yelled at the tv, punched the couch, kicked the wall and became a mute around 3:15 Sunday. I hate the Vikings.
1. Wondered where my money went
2. Told the waitress I spilled my drink because I was doing the robot (note: I was sitting not standing)
3. Woke up wondering why my bed was moved to the other side of the room, thought I was very ambitious, then I realized I wasn't in my Milw. apartment.
4. Played dominoes at a bar (double twelves for those who are curious)
5. Was the bigger person and went to say hello to the girls who spread rumors about me in high school
6. Said helloooo to Kevin Garnett. at the bucks game. 12 rows up. he was making a basket
7. Had a conversation about body hair (see below)
8. Went to a brewery tour and didn't really do the tour part
9. Had to leave the bar because I am freaked out by someone who dresses up as a hot dog
10. Yelled at the tv, punched the couch, kicked the wall and became a mute around 3:15 Sunday. I hate the Vikings.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Carpet Samples
So I was sitting at the bar drinking my vodka lemonade when the guy sitting next to me randomly explains that he is a carpet from his neck down ....Isn't that yummy?.... Yeah, Can I take you home throw you on the floor and roll around on you? Yeah if you were a carpet, not a wolf man. He even did some show and tell, showing me his arms and explaining that this was the least amount of hair he had. Listen, if I can braid your arm hair chances are, first, I'm drunk and second, I'm going to bust to the nearest pool and screw the first swimmer I see. Yes please do not tell me about your hair problem, it's not a turn on. I don't want to feed you bananas and clean up your shit. Please, men, invest in some razors, wax treatement, tweezers, nose hair trimmers, and heaps of porn.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Here is a pic of me and my sister when we went to the kite show, I'm on the left, she's on the right.
The very first memory I have of my sister is stepping on her chest. Why? Because she asked me to, swear on my new pair of shoes. Now, whether I might have plunked in her mind that stepping on her might be a good idea well that is certainly a possiblity. This also means she was old enough to talk, so.... hmm.... yeah I guess she really didn't exist till age 2 or whenever one starts talking. I also convinced her that she was adopted. Fairly recently we couldn't find her birth certificate and I did the "I told you so" there was silence on the other end. No my sister is finally cool. After years her spilling my milk, making me get grounded, ruining my parties, being spolied, etc... she finally grew up and so did I. So boys, be good to her. Love ya sis. Man I'm getting soft.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Feeling Five
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The Lazy Dater
Someone who we will call "Brian" said I was a lazy dater.
He referred to it meaning that I date people that by location are close to me, across the street, in a classroom, and upstairs. If we chose our mates that are relatively close in distance does that make us lazy or was it a coincidence? My feelings of a lazy dater immediately refer to a good friend back home who's philosophy for dating girls is "let them come to me while I sit here." So when my friend referred to me as a lazy dater I automatically thought that he meant that I put minimal effort into a relationship and was then offended. So thinking about it - is it too convenient when our location brings us closer to our mates? Does it add or take away any emotions and what kind of emotions?
He referred to it meaning that I date people that by location are close to me, across the street, in a classroom, and upstairs. If we chose our mates that are relatively close in distance does that make us lazy or was it a coincidence? My feelings of a lazy dater immediately refer to a good friend back home who's philosophy for dating girls is "let them come to me while I sit here." So when my friend referred to me as a lazy dater I automatically thought that he meant that I put minimal effort into a relationship and was then offended. So thinking about it - is it too convenient when our location brings us closer to our mates? Does it add or take away any emotions and what kind of emotions?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
the questioning room
In a battle of making decisions where do we make them - from the mind or the the heart?
In a quest to find out more below are my findings. But if say, for example, you had to choose between two different things - one made your heart rush and the other was more in depth, planned, now fail safe because it has been thought about from all sides. ha - I think I just answered my own question....
"In ancient Egypt and Greece, the heart was the most important organ. Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322B.C.) noted that an injury to the heart meant immediate death, whereas head injuries usually brought far less serious consequences and could even heal. He observed, too, that one's heartbeat changed with one's emotional state and that the brain seemed to be without sensation, for touching the brain of a living animal evoked no response. The action of the heart, he concluded, seemed to correspond with life itself. The soul-the independent force driving that life--most likely resided in the liver
Unlike Aristotle, Pythagoras (circa 570-496 B.C.) and Hippocrates (circa 460-370 B.C.) both had considered the brain to be the "noblest" part of the body. Plato (427-347B.C.) shared this point of view. He assigned the lower passions such as lust and greed to the liver and the higher ones such as pride, courage, anger and fear to the heart. For reason, it was the brain." -Robert-Benjamin
"head thinking is fractured and separatist, while heart thinking is holistic...Head thinking is fractured. It will look at one aspect of a situation at a time and draw conclusions based on that, while ignoring others. Modern civilization is a perfect example of head thinking, for all its systems are based on separatism." -Suma Varughese
"How many times have you heard people around you say “my heart is saying yes, but my mind is saying no?” That’s basically where this theory originated from. My friends and I are always talking about our problems, just to verbalize how we feel. We find it funny how we all know what the right thing to do is, but somehow, our heart manages to influence our minds and confuse us even more. It’s like my pastor said, The heart is a very deceitful thing.
At the same time, how can you feel that genuine love without it? No matter how much you try to rationalize with your heart, it often wins over the mind; thus, heartbreak occurs in most cases. The brain is usually right - don’t get hurt - it says, but the heart is so stubborn that it always has to find out the hard way. The real battle in life is between the heart and mind."
In a quest to find out more below are my findings. But if say, for example, you had to choose between two different things - one made your heart rush and the other was more in depth, planned, now fail safe because it has been thought about from all sides. ha - I think I just answered my own question....
"In ancient Egypt and Greece, the heart was the most important organ. Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322B.C.) noted that an injury to the heart meant immediate death, whereas head injuries usually brought far less serious consequences and could even heal. He observed, too, that one's heartbeat changed with one's emotional state and that the brain seemed to be without sensation, for touching the brain of a living animal evoked no response. The action of the heart, he concluded, seemed to correspond with life itself. The soul-the independent force driving that life--most likely resided in the liver
Unlike Aristotle, Pythagoras (circa 570-496 B.C.) and Hippocrates (circa 460-370 B.C.) both had considered the brain to be the "noblest" part of the body. Plato (427-347B.C.) shared this point of view. He assigned the lower passions such as lust and greed to the liver and the higher ones such as pride, courage, anger and fear to the heart. For reason, it was the brain." -Robert-Benjamin
"head thinking is fractured and separatist, while heart thinking is holistic...Head thinking is fractured. It will look at one aspect of a situation at a time and draw conclusions based on that, while ignoring others. Modern civilization is a perfect example of head thinking, for all its systems are based on separatism." -Suma Varughese
"How many times have you heard people around you say “my heart is saying yes, but my mind is saying no?” That’s basically where this theory originated from. My friends and I are always talking about our problems, just to verbalize how we feel. We find it funny how we all know what the right thing to do is, but somehow, our heart manages to influence our minds and confuse us even more. It’s like my pastor said, The heart is a very deceitful thing.
At the same time, how can you feel that genuine love without it? No matter how much you try to rationalize with your heart, it often wins over the mind; thus, heartbreak occurs in most cases. The brain is usually right - don’t get hurt - it says, but the heart is so stubborn that it always has to find out the hard way. The real battle in life is between the heart and mind."
Monday, October 03, 2005
Good Karma
If you think is something is too good to be true do you accept it or wait for it to fail?
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Staying for the Sun
It was one of those revitalizing nights out where nothing was planned and the unexpected happenings made it brillant. So I stayed till the sun came up and then some.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
What! Was I not just talking about Migrating?
It is strange, some of the most vivid memories I have is from Australia. I don't have a lot of pictures but I can remember everything so clearly. Maybe it was a combination of not being burdened with school, being on my own, developing my pallette for beauty. I don't know if there is a day that passes that I think about that beautiful place. Well there is lots of stuff I think about everyday like coffee, my mom, people that meant a lot to me and new ideas. So I am very afraid of being cold and whammo - check my email and my boss in Oz is trying to get me to go back and work for him. (It's turning summer now down under) Now the million dollar question - do I follow what I set forth in my previous post and say yes?
When did fall get here?
I know fall is here because I have a cold and cannot find a long sleeve shirt in my wardrobe of tank tops. I have one pair of closed toe shoes - the rest are sandals. Where were the tv commercials telling me that I had to go out and buy shoes, pants and sweaters. I've been living in warm areas from February till now and have adjusted to it never getting cold. I feel like I need to migrate south....or into a bottle of cough syrup...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
When does honesty run its course?
In my day to day quest of functioning as a normal human being I have found being even more up front about things makes others more interested. Like if I am embarrassed by something or someone, rather than keep it to myself I've been giving it up and people seem to be handling it with a more humorous attitude which makes me feel much better about the situation. But where is the limit? When is it too much information?
In my day to day quest of functioning as a normal human being I have found being even more up front about things makes others more interested. Like if I am embarrassed by something or someone, rather than keep it to myself I've been giving it up and people seem to be handling it with a more humorous attitude which makes me feel much better about the situation. But where is the limit? When is it too much information?
Friday, September 23, 2005
advice at a thai restaurant
-from a friend's fortune cookie: the best happiness is the happiness you can give to others
-from a semi-conservative friend: the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
-from me: make sure there is water before putting the hot pepper into your mouth
advice on brady
-from me: try thurmans at least once, don't shower before you go and bring your pipe.
advice at brothers
-from random man: kick the guy in the balls who is using the women's restroom
-from Brian: if we sit here long enough waving our money we're bound to get served
-from me: don't step foot into this under-aged-over-dressed crap hole who can't even serve their elders
advice at terrace
-from the ho's: wear gold shoes, short skirts, dance in a corner and let the bartender spray you, you're bound to have a hot date lined up (for the evening)
advice at rosies
-from me: chill out with a pitcher among friends
-from a friend's fortune cookie: the best happiness is the happiness you can give to others
-from a semi-conservative friend: the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
-from me: make sure there is water before putting the hot pepper into your mouth
advice on brady
-from me: try thurmans at least once, don't shower before you go and bring your pipe.
advice at brothers
-from random man: kick the guy in the balls who is using the women's restroom
-from Brian: if we sit here long enough waving our money we're bound to get served
-from me: don't step foot into this under-aged-over-dressed crap hole who can't even serve their elders
advice at terrace
-from the ho's: wear gold shoes, short skirts, dance in a corner and let the bartender spray you, you're bound to have a hot date lined up (for the evening)
advice at rosies
-from me: chill out with a pitcher among friends
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Driving for Doughnuts
Ever feel like you're stuck in a routine and you're never going to get out of it? I felt like that all last week and today it occured to me that routine is ok as long as you have little surprises along the way. Maybe today it was the spontanoues formation of a volleyball team, or lunch with a bubbly friend, or an unexpected present when I got back from lunch. It makes sitting in front of a computer go by a lot easier.
When I was listening to a Buddhist radio station they were talking about change. I know some people that fear change, motto being: change is evil and will repent against it. The speaker actually embraced change and became more animated because change is a good thing. It is something new and exciting. I even wonder if change can be a routine? The most simple example being, If you keep changing your hair every month, does that then become a routine rather than change?
So end point being is that I've always been a "yes" person but I'm going to try to push that to saying yes to the unknown, the expected and hopefully that will create lots of little surprises along the way.
When I was listening to a Buddhist radio station they were talking about change. I know some people that fear change, motto being: change is evil and will repent against it. The speaker actually embraced change and became more animated because change is a good thing. It is something new and exciting. I even wonder if change can be a routine? The most simple example being, If you keep changing your hair every month, does that then become a routine rather than change?
So end point being is that I've always been a "yes" person but I'm going to try to push that to saying yes to the unknown, the expected and hopefully that will create lots of little surprises along the way.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The party's over or so I say
Upon walking out my door this morning a cool breeze (65 F) hit me. I realized that the party might be over. Still two weeks left of summer but the mindset has already taken over. Leaves were on the ground - mostly because of the big windstorm but I felt a little sad. Now it's time to drink hot cider, cuddle up with Tolstoy (War and Peace) and start having movie dates with my girl friends. I'd like to say I can't wait but I can.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
The weekend Wrap-up sponsored by the Bears and Vikings loss
So Detroit is on top of the division, who would have guessed. But besides the Packers losing some other things good and not so good happened as well.
1. Seeing "Cut" at the art museum. If you didn't go you missed out on some phenomenal video cuts.
2. Starting off the Packer season with my old college friends.
3. Having a guy write his number on a napkin - being old school still rocks (too bad he wasn't my type).
4. Getting away with asking a guys obscene questions and making them perform acts in order to accomplish bachellorette party tasks.
5. Seeing a 13 year old boy fly a kite to electronic music at the kite show.
6. Not cutting my hair but coloring it. No I didn't do it myself.

7. Recovering evidence of what happened the previous night, keys back on keyring(good) shoes back in closet (good) seeing the aftermath of redbull and vodka (bad) seeing a bumper sticker pasted outside and remembering it was once on my ass (bad).
6. Going dancing with a girl I've never met before.
7. Rejecting a guy with the same name as a television show.
8. Hanging out with the sister.
9. Starting a collaborative art project.
10. Finishing a really bad book, Bad Heir Day. It's an English soap opera of wannabes and the wealthy.
1. Seeing "Cut" at the art museum. If you didn't go you missed out on some phenomenal video cuts.
2. Starting off the Packer season with my old college friends.
3. Having a guy write his number on a napkin - being old school still rocks (too bad he wasn't my type).
4. Getting away with asking a guys obscene questions and making them perform acts in order to accomplish bachellorette party tasks.
5. Seeing a 13 year old boy fly a kite to electronic music at the kite show.
6. Not cutting my hair but coloring it. No I didn't do it myself.

7. Recovering evidence of what happened the previous night, keys back on keyring(good) shoes back in closet (good) seeing the aftermath of redbull and vodka (bad) seeing a bumper sticker pasted outside and remembering it was once on my ass (bad).
6. Going dancing with a girl I've never met before.
7. Rejecting a guy with the same name as a television show.
8. Hanging out with the sister.
9. Starting a collaborative art project.
10. Finishing a really bad book, Bad Heir Day. It's an English soap opera of wannabes and the wealthy.
Friday, September 09, 2005
He's coming for me
He sang Ain't Got You (to me) when he was in Milwaukee and now he's back to find me. Bruce is hitting up Wisconsin, again, this time in Madison, October 15th. But, why is he back? He checked his website,
" 'We're coming back to some of our favorite cities to make sure the fans get a chance to see how this tour has evolved over the course of the last 50 shows. Bruce just keeps stretching the boundaries of his performance night after night, and the result has been some of the very best concerts of his entire career,' said long time manager Jon Landau."
So, will I buy tickets right away? Nah, I'll most likely ebay it and see what happens. Once a year is awesome but if anyone wants a date, hey I'm there.
" 'We're coming back to some of our favorite cities to make sure the fans get a chance to see how this tour has evolved over the course of the last 50 shows. Bruce just keeps stretching the boundaries of his performance night after night, and the result has been some of the very best concerts of his entire career,' said long time manager Jon Landau."
So, will I buy tickets right away? Nah, I'll most likely ebay it and see what happens. Once a year is awesome but if anyone wants a date, hey I'm there.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
So you wanna be a rockstar?
So my co-worker/volleyball sidekick is also in a rock band called Fuzee. They played at Summerfest and now they are coming to a pub near you and me. Check them out Friday night at Points East Pub on LYON ST. Kicking some tunes with them are Moth from Cinncinnati and Pedal from Milwaukee. If your not sipping beers down at your house, pound them down here with a side of slamming rock.
Monday, September 05, 2005
the Weekend Wrap-up sponsored by Advil and Starbucks
The week and weekend filled with:
1. Playing a bad first 9 holes and good back 9 holes at Lake Park
2. Trying to call it a night after the bar but instead getting thrown over shoulders and into the after party for more beer and more pool
3. Buying a painting I've been lusting over for 6 years. Come see it!
4. Acquiring beer goggles at exactly the wrong time
5. Not burning the couch
6. Being invited to an underground space in west bend where the speakers are up to the ceiling, records are being spun and the men can't believe a hot girl digs this music.
7. Painting my kitchen key lime pie green
8. Getting told I was "the one" after just being introduced. (Is that a new pick up line?)
9. Finding a solution to resolve the hunger and water issue in new orleans: dump large amounts of rice and pasta into the water.
10. Dad flying out to Arizona with his girlfriend, then coming back as his finance - congrats!
1. Playing a bad first 9 holes and good back 9 holes at Lake Park
2. Trying to call it a night after the bar but instead getting thrown over shoulders and into the after party for more beer and more pool
3. Buying a painting I've been lusting over for 6 years. Come see it!
4. Acquiring beer goggles at exactly the wrong time
5. Not burning the couch
6. Being invited to an underground space in west bend where the speakers are up to the ceiling, records are being spun and the men can't believe a hot girl digs this music.
7. Painting my kitchen key lime pie green
8. Getting told I was "the one" after just being introduced. (Is that a new pick up line?)
9. Finding a solution to resolve the hunger and water issue in new orleans: dump large amounts of rice and pasta into the water.
10. Dad flying out to Arizona with his girlfriend, then coming back as his finance - congrats!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
New Fav Music: Aqualung
From the Pabst Theater site:
"Vital, dramatic piano-pop songs radiate from London artist Matt Hales. Vocals swell and drop with beauty and sadness as Matt duets with his brother Ben in this stunning performance. The British songwriter creates a world-weary mood with just his keyboard and that wonderfully evocative voice. Aqualung's music is hauntingly beautiful and his performances are absolutely breathtaking. An uncanny knack for soft yet powerful melodies paired with an unparalleled emotional depth, Aqualung is the total package."
So I went out and got his music and I fell in love. He is playing Thursday night at the Pabst if anyone is not going to Rolling Stones or White Strips or Jazz in the Park or anything else that goes on Thursday nights in Milwaukee, come with me to go see Aqualung!
"Vital, dramatic piano-pop songs radiate from London artist Matt Hales. Vocals swell and drop with beauty and sadness as Matt duets with his brother Ben in this stunning performance. The British songwriter creates a world-weary mood with just his keyboard and that wonderfully evocative voice. Aqualung's music is hauntingly beautiful and his performances are absolutely breathtaking. An uncanny knack for soft yet powerful melodies paired with an unparalleled emotional depth, Aqualung is the total package."
So I went out and got his music and I fell in love. He is playing Thursday night at the Pabst if anyone is not going to Rolling Stones or White Strips or Jazz in the Park or anything else that goes on Thursday nights in Milwaukee, come with me to go see Aqualung!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Pissed off and Sad
After watching and reading reports on Hurricane Katrina I am pissed off and sad. Seeing roofs peeking from the water in New Orleans and the rescue attempts being done I wonder where will these people go and what will they do? The Superdome is low on food and will be evacuated. Places are flooded and on fire. There are not enough tears to wept for these people. I can't cry because I want to do something, not cry about it. I want to open my home, give up my food, be prepared with wood and hammer, give them better memories, give them anything.
Now, perfect example here: Why are we spending $ putting more soliders and warfare in Iraq when there are people here in need. We have Americans in need of your help Mr. President. But you want to spend the time and funds to dress men in camaflouge and cross your fingers and hope they don't get killed. You will hurt more people in the South if you don't stop Iraq now. You're killing the corner shop owner who made sure his regulars got the morning paper and some smokes, the beautician - the gossip queen who made everyone smile, the activist, the carpenter, the musician, the taxi driver, etc. These people are the life blood that make things function. How will we engage when the majority of these members has their life to rebuild? How will people treat each other? Will it ever be the same? Every action has a reaction and so forth. If one person is burdened, that burden is passed along. But if you get that optomist that smiles, people will smile back. How can we help those devestated smile back?
Now, perfect example here: Why are we spending $ putting more soliders and warfare in Iraq when there are people here in need. We have Americans in need of your help Mr. President. But you want to spend the time and funds to dress men in camaflouge and cross your fingers and hope they don't get killed. You will hurt more people in the South if you don't stop Iraq now. You're killing the corner shop owner who made sure his regulars got the morning paper and some smokes, the beautician - the gossip queen who made everyone smile, the activist, the carpenter, the musician, the taxi driver, etc. These people are the life blood that make things function. How will we engage when the majority of these members has their life to rebuild? How will people treat each other? Will it ever be the same? Every action has a reaction and so forth. If one person is burdened, that burden is passed along. But if you get that optomist that smiles, people will smile back. How can we help those devestated smile back?
the segregating storm
After watching the updates on the Hurricane last night a news bit came on warning areas in the hurricane's path, once on land. It read "Category 1 storms affect small trees, shrubery and mobile homes".
Usually, in trying times, classes don't matter. If you're poor, middle class or wealthy, a town will come together and fix what needs to be mended. Here, a tropical storm is segregating us up into classes. Our society does that enough as it is. So, let's think, if the lowest storm makes shrubbery equal to mobile homes, then are mountains, catcus, boulders, wheat fields comparable to mansions, city halls, strip clubs, and outhouses?
Usually, in trying times, classes don't matter. If you're poor, middle class or wealthy, a town will come together and fix what needs to be mended. Here, a tropical storm is segregating us up into classes. Our society does that enough as it is. So, let's think, if the lowest storm makes shrubbery equal to mobile homes, then are mountains, catcus, boulders, wheat fields comparable to mansions, city halls, strip clubs, and outhouses?
Monday, August 29, 2005
Running into:
Things that I ran into or ran into me:
1. An intertube + all 160+lbs of Tony
2. a fall shopping spree hosted by my latest paycheck
3. my new favorite drink, a sangria blanco as served by coast
4. lots of old friends from high school, the drunk, the cute, the stoned.
5. A wave after being launched at incredible heights into the sky, hello birds, hello water!
6. old stories, funny stories, never to be shared again (back hair) stories.
7. My favorite store - Anthropologie
8. A fun hawaiian navy man - welcome home!
9. Seven running shoe stores - time to buy online
10. a five minute conversation about how my grandma's shoes are sticking to the floor.
1. An intertube + all 160+lbs of Tony
2. a fall shopping spree hosted by my latest paycheck
3. my new favorite drink, a sangria blanco as served by coast
4. lots of old friends from high school, the drunk, the cute, the stoned.
5. A wave after being launched at incredible heights into the sky, hello birds, hello water!
6. old stories, funny stories, never to be shared again (back hair) stories.
7. My favorite store - Anthropologie
8. A fun hawaiian navy man - welcome home!
9. Seven running shoe stores - time to buy online
10. a five minute conversation about how my grandma's shoes are sticking to the floor.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Book to Read

Before you break down and read Harry Potter, here's a good memoir about a kid in San Francisco who swims for the affection in the wealth and dramatics of his parents. His quest to be cool and be free leads him backpacking, pot smoking, car stealing, fruit throwing, panty sniffing and much more. Based on his life, he describes the theatrics of his once famous mom, his overly wealthy dad, his hated step-mom, along with other friends and family members and how they contributed to his way of life. Happy Reading!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
GWB VAC Stolen from WilliamZabka
I don't like stealing things unless I'm stealing it back. But I'll admit to taking this from williamzabka, hope you don't mind.
"No one can ever complain about how much time George W. Bush has spent on vacation. Seriously, think about it. Do you know how much damage he has done when he wasn't on vacation. It is like if your janitor throws up and smears shit all over the walls. For all I care, he can go to an island in Indonesia right now for an extended vacation. Dealing with him after he leaves will be like picking up after your child when he goes to sleep. But in this case your child's activities include burning your money, pissing in your gas tank, and getting your boss to fire you. That is a lot of fucking cleaning up.
So I for one will no longer complain about GWB's vacation time. Please, Mr. President take up scuba diving. Learn how to mix the ultimate margarita. But don't forget to keep ignoring important things like if you want our troops out of Iraq by the next millenium, how by saying you are leaving no child behind you are really leaving them all, and most important of all; don't forget to continue ignoring important intel from the CIA."
"No one can ever complain about how much time George W. Bush has spent on vacation. Seriously, think about it. Do you know how much damage he has done when he wasn't on vacation. It is like if your janitor throws up and smears shit all over the walls. For all I care, he can go to an island in Indonesia right now for an extended vacation. Dealing with him after he leaves will be like picking up after your child when he goes to sleep. But in this case your child's activities include burning your money, pissing in your gas tank, and getting your boss to fire you. That is a lot of fucking cleaning up.
So I for one will no longer complain about GWB's vacation time. Please, Mr. President take up scuba diving. Learn how to mix the ultimate margarita. But don't forget to keep ignoring important things like if you want our troops out of Iraq by the next millenium, how by saying you are leaving no child behind you are really leaving them all, and most important of all; don't forget to continue ignoring important intel from the CIA."
Monday, August 22, 2005
When the leaves start to Fall
Not to long ago I was playing volleyball when I realized that it was beginning to get darker out earlier. It was still bloody hot - but it was dark. I felt like a bird that needed to prepare for migration. There was an aire of immediacy. i knew there was still many days of hot hot weather. Today is very cold.
Some people are thinking about starting school again, others are trying to squeeze in one last vacation and others try very hard not to think about wisconsin winters. I was ontop of my friend Brian's apartment overlooking downtown from the south and thought how much at ease I feel in Milwaukee. I began thinking about how fantastic the colors are in fall and I wondered if I could stay in Milwaukee for one more season. I had one of those weeks were I was surrounded by friends and activities only Milwaukee could provide. I met up with various friends I haven't seen in a while and some I see all the time, went down to water, watch a ball game while grilling out, went to the Landmark, celebrated Miller's 150th by dancing to Bon Joni. All these events made me feel at home. But by the end of the week nothing was at home.
The clouds were out and it was raining. I couldn't wait for the leaves to turn colors but that would mean the trees would shut off circulation. I could, however, wait to see my far away friends because I knew they'd always be there and something was in the works that'd all of us girls would be together. But now one is not with us anymore and it is so unfortunate it had to happen to her and now. It won't stop raining for a lot of us. But we are so happy when the little sparks of sunlight that come down on us and we can smile and laugh again. I saw even more older faces that took me back to my college days and we just shook our heads in disbelief and then we would make each other laugh at some of the stuff we did. It was bittersweet.
My friend Sara and I were driving back home and it seemed we could not get away from this gray cloud and then, close to home, we saw an opening of vast blue sky. It made me think that I needed to keep going till I find the happiest place there is. If that is were there turning leaves are that's where it is, if it is between mountains and salt water that's were it is, if it's in the warm heart of someone, that's were it is. Peace and love to my deepest friends and our one above.
Some people are thinking about starting school again, others are trying to squeeze in one last vacation and others try very hard not to think about wisconsin winters. I was ontop of my friend Brian's apartment overlooking downtown from the south and thought how much at ease I feel in Milwaukee. I began thinking about how fantastic the colors are in fall and I wondered if I could stay in Milwaukee for one more season. I had one of those weeks were I was surrounded by friends and activities only Milwaukee could provide. I met up with various friends I haven't seen in a while and some I see all the time, went down to water, watch a ball game while grilling out, went to the Landmark, celebrated Miller's 150th by dancing to Bon Joni. All these events made me feel at home. But by the end of the week nothing was at home.
The clouds were out and it was raining. I couldn't wait for the leaves to turn colors but that would mean the trees would shut off circulation. I could, however, wait to see my far away friends because I knew they'd always be there and something was in the works that'd all of us girls would be together. But now one is not with us anymore and it is so unfortunate it had to happen to her and now. It won't stop raining for a lot of us. But we are so happy when the little sparks of sunlight that come down on us and we can smile and laugh again. I saw even more older faces that took me back to my college days and we just shook our heads in disbelief and then we would make each other laugh at some of the stuff we did. It was bittersweet.
My friend Sara and I were driving back home and it seemed we could not get away from this gray cloud and then, close to home, we saw an opening of vast blue sky. It made me think that I needed to keep going till I find the happiest place there is. If that is were there turning leaves are that's where it is, if it is between mountains and salt water that's were it is, if it's in the warm heart of someone, that's were it is. Peace and love to my deepest friends and our one above.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Old Poems

I started thinking of a poem and I began repeating lines of poems I had written 2 years ago. This was exactly 2 years ago and it's interesting because with some of these poems I am not the speaker. Just because the person you know and love writes these poems doesn't necessarily make them the speaker. I like to put myself in someone else's shoes see what images or thoughts start coming to the surface. Bruce Springsteen does this constantly with his ballads. So it is interesting when something I have written in the past, where I totally removed myself, touches me now.
for more photographed poems, please see my temporary site,
Monday, August 15, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
From the Journal
Thursday, August 11, 2005
My love fortune
A combination of two things spurred this - my fortune at the Thai resturant and thinking back on when I used to get sent "get to know you" questionaires from friends asking you when's the last time you've been to a rock show or ate peas. I went out to find a test. Here is my output after I told the love fortune lady that I was born in january, liked the color black, perfered california to florida and I had to enter a man's name. Just to solidify my answers I put in bruce springsteen's name with the color red and instead of being an agressive person I was a cheery person, (still the same number of predicted days the Boss and I were going to get together).
1. You are deeply in love with, or soon will be with xxxx.
2. You keep mostly to your self and you are very aggressive.
3. gina johnson, you have lots of love in your life and most likely you currently have a crush.
4. You will have a good year over all and you will soon have a crush or you already do.
5. You like making out and parties.
6. gina is one of your best friends.
7. It will take you 8 days to get together with xxxx.
8. You like making out and parties.
9. You are wild person and you love to make out.
10. Your wish: " xxx xxxxxxx"
This wish will only come true if you really believe in it! Telling other people about this LoveTest fortune teller might also help.
This would so be true if I were back in the fourth grade and I'd be making my wedding dress out of hot loops to marry the dorky boy at the end of my street.
1. You are deeply in love with, or soon will be with xxxx.
2. You keep mostly to your self and you are very aggressive.
3. gina johnson, you have lots of love in your life and most likely you currently have a crush.
4. You will have a good year over all and you will soon have a crush or you already do.
5. You like making out and parties.
6. gina is one of your best friends.
7. It will take you 8 days to get together with xxxx.
8. You like making out and parties.
9. You are wild person and you love to make out.
10. Your wish: " xxx xxxxxxx"
This wish will only come true if you really believe in it! Telling other people about this LoveTest fortune teller might also help.
This would so be true if I were back in the fourth grade and I'd be making my wedding dress out of hot loops to marry the dorky boy at the end of my street.
Monday, August 08, 2005
googling gina johnson
In a quest to find myself - I googled myself
+Gina Johnson was abducted by mob boss Nick Manzetti. Both Manzetti and Gina went missing during a rescue attempt.
+My name is Gina Johnson and I am the proud mother of seven beautiful children including a son David who has Down syndrome
+Gina Johnson, Tattooist
I picked out my first tattoo while at a shop owned by friends of the family. Everyone laughed, not at the unicorn and rainbow design but because I was only eight years old.
+Gina Johnson - Gina lives in Iowa with her husband, Chad, and two of her children. She is a Reiki Master, Master Dowser, a medical intuitive and uses many other natural healing methods. She is a empathic spiritual advisor and specializes in paranormal investigation and explusion.
+Lieutenant Gina M Johnson is currently assigned as the Swing Shift Operations Deputy Commander for the Southern Command. She began her career with the Nevada Highway Patrol in March of 1991.
+Gina Johnson understands that there are many reasons for selling your home and she is willing to work with you for the smoothest experience possible.
+I would like torecognize Gina Johnson for her tireless and selfless service to keep the church going through all of these tribulations.
+Gina Johnson with her 10 lb Channel catfish
+My husband had forgotten to mention that he'd told Gina Johnson, the woman from the support group, that she could stop by. In his information-gathering zeal, my husband had called Gina. She was very encouraging and helpful. She wanted to meet us. She came in loaded down with books and a ceramic angel
+On April 3, 2001, Jane Williams and Gina Johnson, a same-sex couple living in Seattle, Washington, flew to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for a two-week vacation and got married there. Both marriages are valid under the Dutch law
+Gina Johnson, promoter for the Milk Mustache Campaign said UH was one of the last schools in their 100-city tour.
+Gina Johnson, owner of The Grape Wine Bar and Bistro in Waco, said she's seen firsthand how the the 21-to-34 wine market is growing in Waco. Her establishment has seen an increase in younger adults in recent months, with most turning out on Friday nights.
+Gina Johnson was abducted by mob boss Nick Manzetti. Both Manzetti and Gina went missing during a rescue attempt.
+My name is Gina Johnson and I am the proud mother of seven beautiful children including a son David who has Down syndrome
+Gina Johnson, Tattooist
I picked out my first tattoo while at a shop owned by friends of the family. Everyone laughed, not at the unicorn and rainbow design but because I was only eight years old.
+Gina Johnson - Gina lives in Iowa with her husband, Chad, and two of her children. She is a Reiki Master, Master Dowser, a medical intuitive and uses many other natural healing methods. She is a empathic spiritual advisor and specializes in paranormal investigation and explusion.
+Lieutenant Gina M Johnson is currently assigned as the Swing Shift Operations Deputy Commander for the Southern Command. She began her career with the Nevada Highway Patrol in March of 1991.
+Gina Johnson understands that there are many reasons for selling your home and she is willing to work with you for the smoothest experience possible.
+I would like torecognize Gina Johnson for her tireless and selfless service to keep the church going through all of these tribulations.
+Gina Johnson with her 10 lb Channel catfish
+My husband had forgotten to mention that he'd told Gina Johnson, the woman from the support group, that she could stop by. In his information-gathering zeal, my husband had called Gina. She was very encouraging and helpful. She wanted to meet us. She came in loaded down with books and a ceramic angel
+On April 3, 2001, Jane Williams and Gina Johnson, a same-sex couple living in Seattle, Washington, flew to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for a two-week vacation and got married there. Both marriages are valid under the Dutch law
+Gina Johnson, promoter for the Milk Mustache Campaign said UH was one of the last schools in their 100-city tour.
+Gina Johnson, owner of The Grape Wine Bar and Bistro in Waco, said she's seen firsthand how the the 21-to-34 wine market is growing in Waco. Her establishment has seen an increase in younger adults in recent months, with most turning out on Friday nights.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
what does your grandma burn?

Here's a photo from up-north last weekend. Grandma was burning bowling pins because they seem to burn well, as you can see here. I thought what a great photo opportunity! I'm getting back into photography and painting if anyone wants to pay me to paint, draw and write poems rather than go back to corporate America, I'm all ears.
I haven't gone digital so this has taken awhile to get developed. It is ironic because my good friend and I were chatting about how awful it is to get a roll back and you find yourself starring at ex-boyfriends. The picture can't apologize, walk out the door, give you a hug, it doesn't care if you curse at it. It sits and sits with your other pictures till you find the courage to throw it away..but throw away a photo... arghF!
Please keep posting on my past two posts. It's research...
Friday, August 05, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
20 Questions
It's too hot to think today. So I'm opening up this post to see if I can't get 20 people to ask me 20 questions. Ask away. Ask me anything!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
++++++++++++ haiku 2
my veracity
leads me to dancing shadows
the dark never sets
starch white stale and pale
bedsheets go popping at night
happy mallard ducks
my veracity
leads me to dancing shadows
the dark never sets
starch white stale and pale
bedsheets go popping at night
happy mallard ducks
Monday, August 01, 2005
go to broadway if you want a show
If you're looking for a very dramatic weekend filled with boozing and making of descructive weapons, go away. It didn't happen. It was a placid weekend where I could drive away the residue of my past insanitites and let my head out up in the northern woods. I haven't figured out how to conquer the world but I'm pretty close to at least understanding my own little niche in the world. And lo and behold after feeling totally rejuvinated (and after washing lake water off) I ended my weekend ontop of a tall building overlooking milwaukee to the north, south, west and east. and then in the "height" of things, I felt safe.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
haikus !
feelings of tea and coffee
leaves dirty dishes
unfortunate drips
from your curls has me climbing
into flower pots
feelings of tea and coffee
leaves dirty dishes
unfortunate drips
from your curls has me climbing
into flower pots
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
july weekends are for:
this weekend and monday:
1. watching men in spandex and bike races
2. wine tasting in cedarburg
3. being tricked into visiting 24th and Wells
4. learning that jameson can cure a friend's ear ache
5. not giving out my number
6. adverting my friend from red and white, otherwise there will be talk of da bulls
7. mexican - irish - posh - blue collar - and dirty bars
8. having my first second date in 2 years
9. Illinois austin power parking
10. johnson bus night at the brewer game.
1. watching men in spandex and bike races
2. wine tasting in cedarburg
3. being tricked into visiting 24th and Wells
4. learning that jameson can cure a friend's ear ache
5. not giving out my number
6. adverting my friend from red and white, otherwise there will be talk of da bulls
7. mexican - irish - posh - blue collar - and dirty bars
8. having my first second date in 2 years
9. Illinois austin power parking
10. johnson bus night at the brewer game.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Things that made Wednesday
1. Going from drunk to hungover during sometime in my morning work activities
2. Sitting in the driver seat of my new car
3. My colorful high heel shoes
4. Listening to Holly Jolly Christmas on record in the middle of July*
5. Knowing I am going to have to learn 5 speed
6. M & M's at Paddy's
7. Learning that four advil will not cure lack of sleep, you need water, coffee, cola and 2 more advil
8. Walking up to Axel's jukebox and pressing 49-10 without looking up the artist and hearing my favorite song*
9. Being pleasantly surprised by old faces, not the wrinkly kind - the past kind
10. Having your face hurt from laughing
* still counts as wednesday (wee hours of the am)
2. Sitting in the driver seat of my new car
3. My colorful high heel shoes
4. Listening to Holly Jolly Christmas on record in the middle of July*
5. Knowing I am going to have to learn 5 speed
6. M & M's at Paddy's
7. Learning that four advil will not cure lack of sleep, you need water, coffee, cola and 2 more advil
8. Walking up to Axel's jukebox and pressing 49-10 without looking up the artist and hearing my favorite song*
9. Being pleasantly surprised by old faces, not the wrinkly kind - the past kind
10. Having your face hurt from laughing
* still counts as wednesday (wee hours of the am)
Monday, July 18, 2005
Dreams be Dreams
It was one of those platonic "Before Sunset / After Sunset" * questioning that I just can't shake off. If you know you're in a dream, can you control your dream? For example - if there is a variable in your dream that you know only resides in your dream and you see it in your dream then you can understand that you are in a dream and can do whatever you want. If you know you are flying, do keep practice flying or stop and walk away. I'd keep on flying. If you know you've just done a really bad thing that will change your life forever do you wake up? Is there a recurring theme that occurs in your dream that you'll be able to recognize next time you're in that place?
I don't think I've ever been able to control variables while in a dream but I've been able to go to bed thinking about something or someone and have dreams around that subject. Sometimes it gets on the neurotic side when all you want to do is go back to your dream and live in your dream rather than reality. I'll admit I've done it because fantasy was much better than reality at the time. When reality hit it really sucked. I wouldn't recommend doing it again. At the current stage I haven't gone to bed controlling what I will think about and now I've ended up having dreams that I've gone mad with a chainsaw - (I was trying to save myself from evil) and I was rapping with Jay-Z ** a different night. Two completely different feelings and environments. So next time your in dream try to control it see what happens. Or try to think about what you WANT to dream about and see what happens them. Maybe I'll let the Boss*** put me to sleep and see if I can't get an all night concert!
* "Before Sunset" "After Sunset" movies to watch repeatedly. I have 2 guy friends that have seen it 5 times more than me. Names not to be released
**For those above 40, Jay-Z is a hip-hop artist
*** I'd rather not associate for those who don't know this reference.
I don't think I've ever been able to control variables while in a dream but I've been able to go to bed thinking about something or someone and have dreams around that subject. Sometimes it gets on the neurotic side when all you want to do is go back to your dream and live in your dream rather than reality. I'll admit I've done it because fantasy was much better than reality at the time. When reality hit it really sucked. I wouldn't recommend doing it again. At the current stage I haven't gone to bed controlling what I will think about and now I've ended up having dreams that I've gone mad with a chainsaw - (I was trying to save myself from evil) and I was rapping with Jay-Z ** a different night. Two completely different feelings and environments. So next time your in dream try to control it see what happens. Or try to think about what you WANT to dream about and see what happens them. Maybe I'll let the Boss*** put me to sleep and see if I can't get an all night concert!
* "Before Sunset" "After Sunset" movies to watch repeatedly. I have 2 guy friends that have seen it 5 times more than me. Names not to be released
**For those above 40, Jay-Z is a hip-hop artist
*** I'd rather not associate for those who don't know this reference.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Mellow Airflow
So this weekend i took off for St. Louis via the loud and obnoxious route. It all started with this man jaw woman. You know those people who you think are a woman and probably are but they're just a little rough around the face and wonder if they've even taken a lover. This woman that I hoped would have stayed in Chicago and/or gotten kicked off in Chicago sat right in front of me all the way to St. Louis. During this trip she managed to pull someone's hair, cry over her "lover", tell the bus driver all about this "lover", spill her soda up and down the bus, shove her ass right in Mr. via Portland face. At this moment I bonded with the soon-to-be-pro-boxer. Hunka-hunka, it was the jaw line that did me in and we wished we were sitting in the back of the bus. Too bad he was going to Denver and we said goodbye in St. Louis.
So I put on my party hat and my partner in crime for the weekend, a college friend, picked me up and we headed to bar that served miller lite in 24oz bottles. The thing with being in a new town is you can do whatever you please and not have to worry about seeing these people again. I should have, could have walked up to several guys but I'm too chicken to actually approach a man. so I didn't and I just took compliments for my hat and gave them a smile. So we left his friends to boobs and bud light and we headed to a trendy club that spins wicked tracks. very posh-posh.
I didn't give in to the Bud light but I gave into the cardinals. I figured it best to root root root for the home team if I didn't care about either team. They'll be playing the Brewers anyway and we all will be crossing our fingers praying, making sacrifices just to see them maybe not. Later that night we reconnected with his friends that would rather be hanging out with a stripper and the other going to a gay club. Yeah, we were that cool. I took confidence in white wine and Mr. Jack Daniel who saw me through the night.
A good book to read when you have to kill time: "I Dream of Microwaves" the line that made me read the book: "Good. News. I am through with big dicks and henceforth thinking constanlty of you." I thought of some people and sighed, tough luck for them. The author lives in Madison. Go read it on a ride back from somewhere.
So I put on my party hat and my partner in crime for the weekend, a college friend, picked me up and we headed to bar that served miller lite in 24oz bottles. The thing with being in a new town is you can do whatever you please and not have to worry about seeing these people again. I should have, could have walked up to several guys but I'm too chicken to actually approach a man. so I didn't and I just took compliments for my hat and gave them a smile. So we left his friends to boobs and bud light and we headed to a trendy club that spins wicked tracks. very posh-posh.
I didn't give in to the Bud light but I gave into the cardinals. I figured it best to root root root for the home team if I didn't care about either team. They'll be playing the Brewers anyway and we all will be crossing our fingers praying, making sacrifices just to see them maybe not. Later that night we reconnected with his friends that would rather be hanging out with a stripper and the other going to a gay club. Yeah, we were that cool. I took confidence in white wine and Mr. Jack Daniel who saw me through the night.
A good book to read when you have to kill time: "I Dream of Microwaves" the line that made me read the book: "Good. News. I am through with big dicks and henceforth thinking constanlty of you." I thought of some people and sighed, tough luck for them. The author lives in Madison. Go read it on a ride back from somewhere.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
you got a preddy skirt
Why is it when you're feeling really great about yourself and you've got one of those you know your going to be happy if you wear me outfits that all the missing tooth - sleezy- douche bags compliment you? Tell me - why is it? Why can't any of the clean shaving nice suit guys getting off their accounting jobs stop for a sec? Are they all married off? They can't be because I'm still single! I took a shower I don't smell. I don't think I intimidate anybody. I know I look good. The 50 year old man at the Nomad chased me out of the bar with the "you've got great tits" line. My friend's male friend couldn't believe I wasn't taken. I'm choosing to be single. Do I like it? Sometimes. Well then it is my choice to wear the preddy skirt and get spoken to by crusty men. Hopefully, one day someone with a nice smile will stop and say hello.
Friday, July 08, 2005
the martini lounge
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
need a kleenex
Howie Day - "ghost"
lately i’ve been thinking
lately i’ve been dreaming with you
i’m so resitant to this type of thinking
oh, now it’s shining through
i was alone for the last time
before my night’s vacation with you
alive from the first
now i’m denied by the ghost of you
you take yourself a photograph and laugh at me
i know there’s little use in crying
it’s more wide awake and dying then i’m used to
i thought we’d walk these streets together
now i’m hoping that i’ll never have to meet you
step aside from all this anger
and somewhere in between i can feel you
ask me should we try again
i’m thinking no
y’know, it’s not what i believe in
it’s not what i believe in
you take yourself a photograph and laugh at me
you make yourself a photograph and laugh at me
no i, wanna taste you, love
no i
no i, just wanna taste you, love
standing in your shoes
i turn and now
you’re standing bare in my doorway
i only wish that i had been prepared
i’m gonna have to go along with your way
just take the plastic camera out
it’s the pants you borrowed in the driveway
alive from the first
now i’m denied by the ghost of you
make yourself a photgraph and laugh at me
you make yourself a photograph and laugh at me
no i, wanna taste of love
no i...
i was alive from the first
now i’m denied by the ghost of you
lately i’ve been thinking
lately i’ve been dreaming with you
i’m so resitant to this type of thinking
oh, now it’s shining through
i was alone for the last time
before my night’s vacation with you
alive from the first
now i’m denied by the ghost of you
you take yourself a photograph and laugh at me
i know there’s little use in crying
it’s more wide awake and dying then i’m used to
i thought we’d walk these streets together
now i’m hoping that i’ll never have to meet you
step aside from all this anger
and somewhere in between i can feel you
ask me should we try again
i’m thinking no
y’know, it’s not what i believe in
it’s not what i believe in
you take yourself a photograph and laugh at me
you make yourself a photograph and laugh at me
no i, wanna taste you, love
no i
no i, just wanna taste you, love
standing in your shoes
i turn and now
you’re standing bare in my doorway
i only wish that i had been prepared
i’m gonna have to go along with your way
just take the plastic camera out
it’s the pants you borrowed in the driveway
alive from the first
now i’m denied by the ghost of you
make yourself a photgraph and laugh at me
you make yourself a photograph and laugh at me
no i, wanna taste of love
no i...
i was alive from the first
now i’m denied by the ghost of you
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
here chicky chicky
Ever wonder where the best place to meet people? I have the answer, for men. This place happens for 10 days. Everyone is partying listening to music and drinking, even the underagers. Summerfest is the best place for guys to find gals. As my married co-pilot and I people watched. There were flocks of hair, boobs, short skirts and tight shirts. They'd hug and delve into their girly gushing. If I were a guy I'd think it was pretty cute. They are just waiting for a muscle bound lad to walze right into their circle. It's the type of thing that make them bat their eyes and grin. Guys, just tuck away 5 bucks in your pocket so your ready to get them a drink and maybe the other thing behind your pocket might come out to play. You don't even have to care if their 21, just make sure their legal.
Sorry girls, summerfest might be no help to finding the love of your life. Guys are greasy, but if you're my "swingen" friend and happen to be at a Violent Femmes concert and find that tatooed rock star man, then this may be just the right place.
Sorry girls, summerfest might be no help to finding the love of your life. Guys are greasy, but if you're my "swingen" friend and happen to be at a Violent Femmes concert and find that tatooed rock star man, then this may be just the right place.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
My Italian Job
So Gina needs a car after returning back from OZ and finding her poor Saturn coupe is not running ( due to not changing oil - how does that happen when I'm not even in the states to drive it. Hmmmmm.) Lets UPGRADE my set of wheels. What do you think I would like best in, not get in a car accident and finally have power locks? I was thinking Jeep Wrangler but after my save the earth make over I went back looking. This week my love of the week is a Mini Cooper!

One from the original Italian Job
I test drove one today. yum yum vroom vroom. It felt like like it was my very own. Now can anybody teach me stick - seriously?
One from the original Italian Job
I test drove one today. yum yum vroom vroom. It felt like like it was my very own. Now can anybody teach me stick - seriously?
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Hot town, summer in the city
Hot summer night + 4 hot mamas= a excellent night on Brady Street.
First stop: The Nomad: Where the guys are guys and the women drink beer too. Except for me because I know I can get a cheap g+t (gin and tonic) I've renamed my drink to a "gina tonic". If you say it real fast your server won't even know the difference.
Second Stop: Vucciria's: We're not in Milwaukee anymore. Who can resist martini night? Not us. Usually I'm a bit razzled after a cosmo but this greeno didn't have me in. We bounced to the beat of Dj Soto and when our eyes couldn't take any more light changes we headed across the street
Third Stop: The Garage: A sardine can of posh people. Time for a Spotted Cow, why? easy to order and fast to serve, no need for this busy bartender to make a drink I want one now! (Later on I get a Hacker Phsoer where they have to take the time to pour it right and top it with a lemon, note: this drink is very had to dance with). I ran into my brilliant co-worker we all had a good time talking it up.
Last stop: my bed: no heels allowed - one water served on ice - fan on high.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Whores on the Hill

There is this excellent book I just finished reading it's called, "Whores on the Hill". It is based in Milwaukee, late eighties at the last all girls school. The book is filled with car rides to the east side, dancing at Metropolis, movies at the Oriental and trips to Kopps. The story revolves around 3 out of control girls who take pride in being tagged the whores on the hill. Whether it's making out with boys, sneaking out of the house, having your first boyfriend or cutting class we've all been there. It will make you wish you could go back and cut your skirt and grab that one guy you've lust over and smack a big wet one on him. Well maybe for some.
Monday, June 13, 2005
It's TOTO!
TOTO came and rescued me from a drowning in a well. I mean we fought the wicked witch of the west and gave the tin man a heart. We sort us - this is my pup pup Lexie also known as the urinator because everytime someone new pets her she tend to piddle on them. Very cute, I know. She also thinks she is a cat and perches on the couch. She sleeps a lot and just is cute for 24 hours. Unless she is in a car, this is when she foams at the mouth and maybe puke if you don't put her on stable ground. Her and I wait for her sister to come home from her adventures roaming the neighborhood looking for the food. Lexie has some good stories but won't tell all of them to me: )
Sunday, June 12, 2005
My Horoscope
So it seems my horoscope have been pretty accurate the past couple weeks. Here's mine today.
"It's super-tempting to do something that feels good in the moment, but consider the consequences of what will happen later, not to mention how you'll feel following your actions. If you know you'll feel lousy or filled with regret at not stopping yourself, why do it? So refuse to jump into this snake pit. Treat yourself with the respect you deserve. Aren't you worth the best care around?"
What would feel good right now is revenge but I'm frankly not in the mood for all that jazz. Now I will gather my dignity and do what is right for me. currently: walking out the door to the sunshine. future: walking out the door to the sunshine : )
"It's super-tempting to do something that feels good in the moment, but consider the consequences of what will happen later, not to mention how you'll feel following your actions. If you know you'll feel lousy or filled with regret at not stopping yourself, why do it? So refuse to jump into this snake pit. Treat yourself with the respect you deserve. Aren't you worth the best care around?"
What would feel good right now is revenge but I'm frankly not in the mood for all that jazz. Now I will gather my dignity and do what is right for me. currently: walking out the door to the sunshine. future: walking out the door to the sunshine : )
Thursday, June 09, 2005
TOP Movies
I'm going to start recommending Movies, Books and other sorts.
Today is: one of my all time favorite movies.
L' Homme du train ( Man on a Train)
>> A small french film. Two strangers meet. Each has a completely different lifestyle and they wonder what would have happened if maybe their life was like this person they just befriended.
Today is: one of my all time favorite movies.
L' Homme du train ( Man on a Train)
>> A small french film. Two strangers meet. Each has a completely different lifestyle and they wonder what would have happened if maybe their life was like this person they just befriended.
Monday, June 06, 2005
working with the breeze
It's 3:00. I'm sitting in my apt the windows open and doing freelance work. Ya I might rather be sitting by the lake reading or running through the sprinklers downtown. This is my ideal work situation: working from my powerbook with the wind flowing in.
I'm thinking about getting a vespa. what color do you think I'll look best with?
I'm thinking about getting a vespa. what color do you think I'll look best with?
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Good People
I think Jack Johnson's lastest album lyrics suck. Sorry Jack, but you can't write a good song with the lyrics of "staple it together". He has excellent instramental parts but the lyrics are not as stunning as the previous albums. Jack, we need more songs like cocoon and symbol in my driveway. There's meaning there. I can sing this to someone while I am shampooing my hair. I might tell my co-worker to Staple it Together but who signs to their co-workers? Take that back I did it today - (laughing at myself)
I've been recomended Ben Lee and Alexi Murdoch. They are like 17% Jack Johnson and the rest themselves.
Songs to listen to : Ben Lee : Gamble Everything for Love and Alexi Murdoch: Song for You.
I've been recomended Ben Lee and Alexi Murdoch. They are like 17% Jack Johnson and the rest themselves.
Songs to listen to : Ben Lee : Gamble Everything for Love and Alexi Murdoch: Song for You.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
feeling of the day is described through a Cat Steven's song - Moonshadow
I left work and it was just gorgeous outside, it felt as if I didn't work 9 hours. I walked past Buca's and there was this swanky music playing. It took very much effort not to dance and jump around. I didn't want people to think I was on drugs. Maybe next time I will just pretend I am on drugs. It was such a fullfilling weekend to hang out with friends, have good conversations and just be merry without a care in the world. I think the sun and large bodies of water do that to the soul.
Well I must now apply to the CIA, Katie, Sara, Chris and Adam are prolli having a good laugh at that one, aren't you now. he he!
I left work and it was just gorgeous outside, it felt as if I didn't work 9 hours. I walked past Buca's and there was this swanky music playing. It took very much effort not to dance and jump around. I didn't want people to think I was on drugs. Maybe next time I will just pretend I am on drugs. It was such a fullfilling weekend to hang out with friends, have good conversations and just be merry without a care in the world. I think the sun and large bodies of water do that to the soul.
Well I must now apply to the CIA, Katie, Sara, Chris and Adam are prolli having a good laugh at that one, aren't you now. he he!
Sunday, May 29, 2005
no more desperate housewives
what will we do without the plumber, the daisy duke shorts, and the secrets underground??? Watch Reruns!!! Hurray, the stress has gone done in my life for the weekend. I have a good sense of humor and good friends which can make up for the dad that won't tell me when his girlfriend is moving, the job that isn't secure, and the relationship I put my soul into has cracked at all sides. So do I confront my family, find a new job and move away or closer to a man I onced put my faith into? It's no wonder I now garden. Making life with my hands is an incredible feeling.
>Restoring life restructures the mind.
>Restructuring life restores the mind.
>Restoring life restructures the mind.
>Restructuring life restores the mind.
Friday, May 27, 2005
So after finishing my last post I went into my bedroom to find that my first seedlings have come up. Right now my garden is in my large bedroom windowsill. They overlook the intersection of Humbolt and Lyon. Well I'm so excited that my I've actually done something right and soon there will be baby cucumbers. Funny thing is, I don't like them, chopped up in salads but that's about it. Anybody know what I can make with cucumbers? Well I'm up early, back to bed or go to work? rats, duty calls.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I'm not in Kansas anymore
Milwaukee is so easy to live in. I can walk around the lakefront have great conversation . I can have a white beer at Von Tier. I can walk to work. I can see a Brewer Game in loaded suite. I can smile while we lose volleyball (tuesdays). I can show off in volleyball (thursdays). Well I am quiet content for not at least. I love having time to hang out with my friends. There's many parts of my life that i wish I could have done different. I'm glad now though I can appreciate what I have and grow from there. I started a garden and I think unconsciously that was a metaphor for something else. I've never had a desire to initiate a garden and when I got back to the US, I knew that starting a garden was on the top of my list. Whether it be smarting up in environmental affairs, relationship affairs, money affairs, carreer affairs, friendship affairs, etc... i now I am so much better off after being in Australia. It's about going out of your comfort zone, now matter how hard it might be.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
my vintage hat and a night on north
Yesterday was so nice outside that I took a stroll down Brady St. I couldn't be happier with a pleasant breeze and the smells of grilling out. I kept on smiling at everyone because happiness can be infectious. So it was pleasant when I got a smile or even a "hey" back. I walked into a vintage clothing store filled with large beaded necklaces and pink furry coats. Then in the back was a hat begging to be taken home. It's just grand black with a large black ribbon and a little red feather poking out from the side. It reeks of jazz and the 1950's.
My partner in crime for the night was my good friend from Madison and we first went to Holligans for food, then the BBC for my co-worker's gig. FUZEE. Check them out next time there playing in a pub near you. After some tunes it was down to the Landmark for darts and pool. Now a fancy looking cat can be spotted fairly quickly down in the fog of the landmark so it wasn't a surprise that my hat made a name for itself in women's bathrooms and pool tables. It may be a man's trademark, that hat, but I can pop a cigar and have my brandy too. Ya dig.
My partner in crime for the night was my good friend from Madison and we first went to Holligans for food, then the BBC for my co-worker's gig. FUZEE. Check them out next time there playing in a pub near you. After some tunes it was down to the Landmark for darts and pool. Now a fancy looking cat can be spotted fairly quickly down in the fog of the landmark so it wasn't a surprise that my hat made a name for itself in women's bathrooms and pool tables. It may be a man's trademark, that hat, but I can pop a cigar and have my brandy too. Ya dig.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Me CP3O, You R2D2
I need a fellow geek to come see Star Wars with me. I had two girlfriends - one liked Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and I obliged and went to see the movies with them. But this is Star Wars witch kills the other two. If I go it alone and Darth Vador creeps up on me, well I will have to fight it alone. Better start pumping the iron and playing with my light sabor.
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
The Days are long and the Nights are Longer
I'm getting used to working eight hour days again. The first day was painful because I didn't have my afternoon stroll in the sun and anticipation warm wine nights. I've gone back to my thermos of Alterra coffee and cuppa tea in the afternoon. Some days I think it would be good to purge myself of the evils of coffee and sugar. It starts to be a good thought well till about nine o'clock where my caffiene addiction kicks in and my herbal tea isn't doing the trick. The headache starts around 2pm and still I don't run to the coffee stand to get a latte. Well it's very painful. I may start a coffee anonymos support group. So for now a cuppa coffee in the am and uno glass of wine at night will suffice.
I went to VSVH: Volunteer Services for the Visually Handicapped dinner tonight. Why was I so concerned in how I looked when half the attendees can't see. The speeches were very moving and I'm so glad to be apart of it. It put me in a good spirit to walk home - (about 20-30 blocks). So sometimes when I'm in a good mood I sing to the songs on my ipod. I don't really know how loud I'm signing but I really don't care anyway. My friends know me for doing strange things so this isn't out of character. So I'm walking down Van Buren and this electronic song comes on and the only lyric is "Take me for a Rocket Ride" There is this huge lead up to the first time it is said so I'm very excited and just blurt it out I'm assuming quiet loud when it comes. And I know it is loud for one reason. A guy on his bike road past at the exact same time and gave me a goofy stare. I couldn't help but laugh. Something about a pedal bike doesn't scream rocket ride.
Well that's all for now. Have to rest up for some bump-set-spike action.
I went to VSVH: Volunteer Services for the Visually Handicapped dinner tonight. Why was I so concerned in how I looked when half the attendees can't see. The speeches were very moving and I'm so glad to be apart of it. It put me in a good spirit to walk home - (about 20-30 blocks). So sometimes when I'm in a good mood I sing to the songs on my ipod. I don't really know how loud I'm signing but I really don't care anyway. My friends know me for doing strange things so this isn't out of character. So I'm walking down Van Buren and this electronic song comes on and the only lyric is "Take me for a Rocket Ride" There is this huge lead up to the first time it is said so I'm very excited and just blurt it out I'm assuming quiet loud when it comes. And I know it is loud for one reason. A guy on his bike road past at the exact same time and gave me a goofy stare. I couldn't help but laugh. Something about a pedal bike doesn't scream rocket ride.
Well that's all for now. Have to rest up for some bump-set-spike action.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Random thoughts (just like the weather)
Hello lads and lassies,
Yes back to going to sleep with 70 degree weather and waking up to the 40's. Work is Works and the cats are still cool. I'm got my old job back doing design work with School of Continuing Ed. I cut my hair, got some cool roomies, living in an excellent part of Milwaukee. (East Town: South of Brady, North of Downtown). I'm trying to be conscious to help save the envirnoment so I don't have my car. ( well that's not really an option anyway seeing as how it cannot operate with a bad engine! ) So I've got my gas free bike. Also I made a nifty grocery bag so that I don't have to keep using the plastic ones. I'll post a pic once I get a camera. I saw the movie ENRON, which I highly recommend. The man I was closest with is now very far from me and I fucked that one up and am very sorry for it. Time to watch Life Aquatic, again.
Yes back to going to sleep with 70 degree weather and waking up to the 40's. Work is Works and the cats are still cool. I'm got my old job back doing design work with School of Continuing Ed. I cut my hair, got some cool roomies, living in an excellent part of Milwaukee. (East Town: South of Brady, North of Downtown). I'm trying to be conscious to help save the envirnoment so I don't have my car. ( well that's not really an option anyway seeing as how it cannot operate with a bad engine! ) So I've got my gas free bike. Also I made a nifty grocery bag so that I don't have to keep using the plastic ones. I'll post a pic once I get a camera. I saw the movie ENRON, which I highly recommend. The man I was closest with is now very far from me and I fucked that one up and am very sorry for it. Time to watch Life Aquatic, again.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Back Home
Greetings all i am back home safe and sound and a tad cold. Good to see the Milwaukee and Chicago skylines this weekend and hang out with my "mates". I did ask my bartender ( Zander @ the Twisted Fork) to make me a shandy: beer and lemondade. Well not as tasty as it was in OZ so maybe I'll have to just learn to go back to Miller.
I am going to keep my blog as little birds have been telling me people actually read what I'm doing : ) i may have to change the title to gina's adventures working as a graphic designer (who knew? ) and then for more romantic posts I'll post my thoughts on the new Bruce Springsteen album (which is a cd and dvd) very fancy brucy boy. Well time to sort the white and colors and do all my wash.
I am going to keep my blog as little birds have been telling me people actually read what I'm doing : ) i may have to change the title to gina's adventures working as a graphic designer (who knew? ) and then for more romantic posts I'll post my thoughts on the new Bruce Springsteen album (which is a cd and dvd) very fancy brucy boy. Well time to sort the white and colors and do all my wash.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Sad to Leave
Well I spent the weekend in Melbourne and just love it. Stayed at a hostel close to the beach and walking distance from the shop and city - well the city was 8k away. Which I dunno what it is in miles prolli around 4. This weekend I went to some markets, went shopping, took the tram and the trolley, visited the War Memorial. Anzac day is tommorrow and that is a public holiday paying tribute to soliders. Budda's birthday was yesterday and went to a really moving celebration in the city. Did some wine tasting and hung out on the beach. The weather is quite colder than in Bellingen. I cried on the plane leaving Bellingen beacause it is hard to leave a place you love so much. I've met some really incredible people and went to some really amazing places. I wish I had more time to go discover the other little places in Australia. Well, I will be back Tuesday. If anyone wants to do drinks I am game. And if anyone has a car or a couch I could put my name on that would be excellent.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Rumor has it.....
rumor has it that I will return to the states in less than 7 days! sorry i haven't been posting I've been too busy going out to dinner and working. I spent the entire afternoon at the beach today. I played in the ocean and even though it wasn't a nude beach it was nude... My new family and I had a lovely picnic and ran in the waves and it was just good fun. I leave Bellingen tommorrow morning. It is very sad to leave this beautiful and sometimes I don't know why I am leaving? Usually you hate a place and then leave it. You never really leave something behind that is this beautiful. Well I have a job, a family, and a place to stay if I ever do return. If you read my previous posts I was given 2 missions. One was achomplished today and they other was not. Which one did Gina complete? POST ANSWERS PEOPLE! thank you!
I leave for Melbourne tommorrow. I have to do lots of shopping how many people want presents? Maybe I'll just buy some vegemite and everyone can share. Good - good.
I leave for Melbourne tommorrow. I have to do lots of shopping how many people want presents? Maybe I'll just buy some vegemite and everyone can share. Good - good.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Playing cards with George W
Yesterday my friends parents came for the night. Their dad, I wasn't going to say this to him because I think it is an insult but he ended up saying, " People say I look like George Bush." Well from the eyes up - yes. It was an Australian George W and we played cards.
My friend Miss Sara would absolutely love the news over here, they depict Bush to be a complete fool. Not only do Australians think this way but every single god damn other country thinks this - it is fantastic! Not for republics (Sorry Johnsons) Here we get most of television programming from England and other news stories from the Eastern countries. It is all very interesting and you really get a sense for how they view America. It's no wonder they hate America. People think America is stupid for re-electing Bush. (cough cough). We I said I was going to leave the country for 4 years if Bush was re-elected. Well I got my chance. I was asked to stay. I just have to get married, which I will have to find someone at the pub I suppose and earn my green card. Well 10% is true. I did get asked to stay and work part time doing design work. Very tempting - really. If there was a maybe a 4 story building, a dance club that makes cosmos (or a dance club), and a movie theater I would have said yes. But I will come home I don't like to admit it. I don't think I told you about the guy who rides his horse to town. He prances in on the main road, docks his horse across the street and strolls into the pub for a few. My favorite drink here is called a shandy - beer and lemonade.
My friend Miss Sara would absolutely love the news over here, they depict Bush to be a complete fool. Not only do Australians think this way but every single god damn other country thinks this - it is fantastic! Not for republics (Sorry Johnsons) Here we get most of television programming from England and other news stories from the Eastern countries. It is all very interesting and you really get a sense for how they view America. It's no wonder they hate America. People think America is stupid for re-electing Bush. (cough cough). We I said I was going to leave the country for 4 years if Bush was re-elected. Well I got my chance. I was asked to stay. I just have to get married, which I will have to find someone at the pub I suppose and earn my green card. Well 10% is true. I did get asked to stay and work part time doing design work. Very tempting - really. If there was a maybe a 4 story building, a dance club that makes cosmos (or a dance club), and a movie theater I would have said yes. But I will come home I don't like to admit it. I don't think I told you about the guy who rides his horse to town. He prances in on the main road, docks his horse across the street and strolls into the pub for a few. My favorite drink here is called a shandy - beer and lemonade.
Cutting Hair
My hair really hasn't grown that much. I think guys hair grows much faster because they cut it more. I cut both of my male friends hair and trimmed mine a bit and yet it really isn't that much longer.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Rainforest hike
I went for a day hike in the Rainforest which is about 30 min. away. The first trail had lots of leeches that would jump onto your shoe, crawl over your sock and start feeding away. Luckily I was able to flick them away but some other people had leeches real bad. When they took their socks off and flicked away the now huge leeches their feet may have looked like Jesus' because they bleed for the rest of the day. but here is a beautiful picture of a waterfall and a animal which I already forgot the name. I saw 3 wallabies and am bringing one back for Katie's birthday. You think your cats will get along with it? I named it Jumpy already so no need to think about a name. I can bring back some worm-like lizards if anyone else wants? Any takers?

p.s. The Boss is coming. The Boss is coming. Someone buy all the tickets so it will be just me and the Boss and then Bruce will realize who is his one and only number 1 fan!
p.s. The Boss is coming. The Boss is coming. Someone buy all the tickets so it will be just me and the Boss and then Bruce will realize who is his one and only number 1 fan!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
night of charades
My first time playing charades, i have video footage you can watch when I get back. but for now here is a pic near the end of the night. Shannon and I were laughing and making other people laugh - now that I watch it I have no idea what was so funny.

pic of me, my new best friend and the only gay in the village: shannon, and willy
pic of me, my new best friend and the only gay in the village: shannon, and willy
Thursday, March 31, 2005
So every likes my life stories of both my lovely grandma’s. The only mail I get here is from grandma in Oconomowoc, WI and there is usually an attached clipping either an Ann Lander column or an article about saving Aussies because they don’t believe in sin and how God needs to be re-institutionalized. So people know that grandma but her letters. And no one else gets mail so I share bits and pieces and it is like it is their grandma and everyone can relate. When the time is right I’ll tell stories of my Grandma Rose and her martinis plus other adventures. They especially like the comparison to martini’s and breasts. One is not enough, two is just right, and three is too many. Well grandma taught me how to make a fantastic topping for asparagus so every time I make asparagus I have to make this topping. I was helping cook the other day and was making this topping and they all looked at me like I was from Jupiter and were very afraid. I had to say, “My grandma who fancies martinis taught me how to make this.” Wow -they changed faces, smiled and gave my loving approvals. When we finally ate they were very impressed how this tasted and loved it. So thanks to my Grandma’s for life lessons and compassion. I will have a glass of wine tonight and I am told when I get back I should (or have to) enter the stage of drinking martini’s. Aren’t cosmopolitans a martini?
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I can’t work with The Police
Yesterday was a slow day at work and found out I don’t like The Police, the band, it’s like they forced me to leave. I couldn’t work anymore. Well I ran into my friends at the hostel and they were all going to Coffs Harbour to see a movie (Ahh a movie – I haven’t seen the pictures for over 7/8 weeks and we made a friend that had a car!) So I ran back to the office asked off for the afternoon and went to Coffs. We had a mouthwatering lunch and then went to see The Ring 2. I haven’t seen the first but figured any movie was good than no movie. Well not my kind of movie. I ran across the street to the Big W 9 (similar to a Target) because I am in desperate need of Sex and the City. No dvds, all sold out. I am kicking myself for not bringing any seasons. I know when a phrase is American because I got in the car and said “ kicking myself in the ass” All of a sudden echos of that phrase were going around with lots laughing. I am picking up a bit of Aussie language and even had a dream if someone asked if I was Australia. I can’t lie that well in reality so I couldn’t even do it in my dreams. I met another American girl last night and a nice Canadian guy and went night canoeing well they were more like kayaks. I told them I knew what I was doing – I’ve never paddled before! I must have thought that lifting my dad’s kayaks out of the water rationalized me knowing what I was doing. Still haven’t been in my dad’s kayaks? (cough cough) I’m not retarted, or blond. I shared a canoe with the Canadian because I thought that was the thing to do. Turns out if you are in the back like he was and if you are in a single you just get soaked my the water coming out of the paddles. I seemed to be the only dry one. When I got back to the hostel turns out my friends had utilized happy hour at the pub and were now finishing their bottles of wine. I’m doing very good and like waking up in the morning with a clear head.
And a sidenote to my delay in posts is because I am frankly holding out on you guys. If no one posts I am renaming it Letters to Dad from Gina.
And a sidenote to my delay in posts is because I am frankly holding out on you guys. If no one posts I am renaming it Letters to Dad from Gina.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I received two missions yesterday that I am to complete by the time I leave Oz.
One: This hostel is very special because upstairs the walls are covered with photos of naked people. It’s by no means pornographic. The manager that has been living here for about seven years takes the most fantastic nude photos of people. Nothing is really showing it is very serious, studious and even tranquil. I haven’t gone yet to Bundagen – the alternative community with the nude beach. My bum might get sunburned so still looking for the spf 75.
Two: I am to eat kangaroo. (They sell it at the grocery store)
One: This hostel is very special because upstairs the walls are covered with photos of naked people. It’s by no means pornographic. The manager that has been living here for about seven years takes the most fantastic nude photos of people. Nothing is really showing it is very serious, studious and even tranquil. I haven’t gone yet to Bundagen – the alternative community with the nude beach. My bum might get sunburned so still looking for the spf 75.
Two: I am to eat kangaroo. (They sell it at the grocery store)
Monday, March 28, 2005
Thank you for the single rose
My mom always said a single rose was much more precious than a dozen. It’s not about how much cash you have how many friends you have. It’s about a single thing. You are a single person with one mind. It takes one good idea. It takes one I love you and not a mouthful. I had a guy once tell me he loved me about 20 times a day and at the end of the day it didn’t mean anything anymore. One would have done the job. But that was years ago and now I’m talking about roses. Smell the roses my friend.
During my so far six weeks here I have learned to share, be more open, learn to take showers while talking to other people who are brushing their teeth, learn to not wear as much makeup, learn to eat different food, learn what it is to be special and to make someone feel special. Life is about helping, sharing and caring.
This may not make sense to most, but thank you for the single rose.
During my so far six weeks here I have learned to share, be more open, learn to take showers while talking to other people who are brushing their teeth, learn to not wear as much makeup, learn to eat different food, learn what it is to be special and to make someone feel special. Life is about helping, sharing and caring.
This may not make sense to most, but thank you for the single rose.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
You know when you are dating someone you begin to adapt and learn from them and you feel like that person has helped shaped you in some way for your next adventure. But if that person has consciously warped your thoughts into something else, is it still real? Are life lessons in return fake? Is it like a video game for life? You press the button you jump. They press your heart and you feel compassion. Does it still make a difference, if maybe, they didn’t care about your heart? If someone else in a different situation presses your heart will you still feel compassion or brush it off as something else? Are humans able to reformat themselves for different situations? I think some are compable and some take what they have used either good or bad and use it in their next relationship. If someone does something bad in a realationship they person recieving that bad can learn from it and use it to gauge other people and also never use that bad to get reverge, persay, on someone else. I hate being this serious but sometimes you need to put yourself out there and ask these questions. I may need a good dose of Sex and the City to get me over this hump. Well I feel a long poem spurring from my spirit.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
If only Australia was a man
So I have fallen in love with Australia. This happened on my car ride home. (on the left side of the road) Of course I can't seem to get my head around it walking across.
I didn’t like Sydney to begin with but the next day was bright and sunny. The previous night it took me 1 1/2 to walk home. Once when I saw no one was walking on the same streets I was I had to turn around. Me being a stubborn bastard refused to look at the map. Of course the next day walking back it only took 1/2 hour. The design conference was ok I’ve been to better. There were much more students than I had expected and met another Sagmiester fan from Adelaide. Finally someone speaks my language!
I did some walking around the city, my foot pain was gone after I returned back to Bellingen. ( That’s because everything is perfect here ) Well I got to the famous Sydney Opera house, did some wandering around the town, walked through a magnificient park where the trees where covered in lights. It reminded me of Christmas. Well I loved the scenery outside.
The inside of my hostel was quiet unique. I made friends with 2 girls from Denmark they were sweet and went to bed early. When I was watching the telly at 2 in the morning some guys came in that proved my assumptions right. They were coked out and not afraid to do more whilst people around. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning to the scent of pot. I made my way back to my car trying not to gag at the guys and girls making out on the sidewalk.
I made it out of the city perfectly. Couldn’t have asked for anything better. You know the in the states you can get away with doing about 6-7 over the speed limit. So here miles are now kilometers and I didn’t think I was going fast enough and thought 30 over would be fine since it only seemed like 10 or so in miles. Mangaged to shave an hour off my trip and wasn’t until I asked someone that you can only go 5 over. Don’t tell anyone! Thanks.
Yes the car ride home was magical. I had visions of where I was going to live and what I was going to do. I must not disclose in fear of someone stealing my ideas. But they are fantastic. I have never felt so in touch - so alive - so motivated to go and do what i want to do.
I didn’t like Sydney to begin with but the next day was bright and sunny. The previous night it took me 1 1/2 to walk home. Once when I saw no one was walking on the same streets I was I had to turn around. Me being a stubborn bastard refused to look at the map. Of course the next day walking back it only took 1/2 hour. The design conference was ok I’ve been to better. There were much more students than I had expected and met another Sagmiester fan from Adelaide. Finally someone speaks my language!
I did some walking around the city, my foot pain was gone after I returned back to Bellingen. ( That’s because everything is perfect here ) Well I got to the famous Sydney Opera house, did some wandering around the town, walked through a magnificient park where the trees where covered in lights. It reminded me of Christmas. Well I loved the scenery outside.
The inside of my hostel was quiet unique. I made friends with 2 girls from Denmark they were sweet and went to bed early. When I was watching the telly at 2 in the morning some guys came in that proved my assumptions right. They were coked out and not afraid to do more whilst people around. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning to the scent of pot. I made my way back to my car trying not to gag at the guys and girls making out on the sidewalk.
I made it out of the city perfectly. Couldn’t have asked for anything better. You know the in the states you can get away with doing about 6-7 over the speed limit. So here miles are now kilometers and I didn’t think I was going fast enough and thought 30 over would be fine since it only seemed like 10 or so in miles. Mangaged to shave an hour off my trip and wasn’t until I asked someone that you can only go 5 over. Don’t tell anyone! Thanks.
Yes the car ride home was magical. I had visions of where I was going to live and what I was going to do. I must not disclose in fear of someone stealing my ideas. But they are fantastic. I have never felt so in touch - so alive - so motivated to go and do what i want to do.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Since I am a bit crazy I decided to rent a car to drive down to sydney - probably one of the worst ways to get down here. Plane - nope, Train - nope, Bus - nope. So the only instructions the rental car place gave me was to stay on the left. Well I made it down and I'm still alive. It did rain and Sara knows how much I hate driving in the rain, but I made it through. Well so being a little wacko and renting a car I booked a hostel smack dab in the middle of whore central. I am in settled on a street with 20+ strip joints and other nasty shops. I think I will start my souviner shopping here. Hmmm, whose birthday is coming up? Terri? (laughs) They only are after the guys so I am ok. I share a room with 2 girls from Denmark. I'd say about 80% of the people here are plastic. Let me get some magnification glass and some sun.
I am in Sydney because there is a design conference going on. I just got done with the first day and walked all the way down to the harbour. I think I may have done something to my foot as it has been in pain for the past week and there is a bruise I dunno where it came from. The conference is ok - lots of students and not to many professionals which I would have thought there would have been more of. I don't think I would come here again - ironic how this is the first place I wanted to come. I love and miss my little country town right now!
I am in Sydney because there is a design conference going on. I just got done with the first day and walked all the way down to the harbour. I think I may have done something to my foot as it has been in pain for the past week and there is a bruise I dunno where it came from. The conference is ok - lots of students and not to many professionals which I would have thought there would have been more of. I don't think I would come here again - ironic how this is the first place I wanted to come. I love and miss my little country town right now!
Monday, March 14, 2005
ve are vrom swizterland
Had a blast in Brisbane this past weekend - 7 hour greyhound ride there and back. So glad to be in a city where there are buildings more than 3 stories high. Right now Brisbane is building the world's tallest residential tower. That is until Syndey will beat it a month later.
I met up with another intern who is from California and she showed me a good time in Brisbane. Went to lots of different clubs and they all had a great atmosphere and great music - I prolli went to more clubs here that beat out anyones I went to elsewhere. The guys have this eurostyle haircut where it is cool to have a mullet started or even a rat tail. Gross. Finally had a miller geniune draft - that was heaven - good $7 spent. So everyone would ask us where we were from and sooner than later we got sick of saying we were American (hence reasons discussed in previous post) that we began disguising ourselves as swiss girls - da da - ve backpack - arrive 2 day ago - go to sydney soon - da da. My friend Sara will love this because she knows I do a horrible accents. But no one ever knew because they were so wasted anyway they were just happy to meet 2 girls vrom switzerland.
So Brisbane was fun - we didn't just go to clubs all weekend - but got to see the city - walked around the whole darn thing - I finally bought a disposable camera to take better pics. So I will post those once they are developed. The city was a cross between Florida's South Beach and LA. I would go back again but prolli never live there - although it was voted one of the best places to live in the world
I met up with another intern who is from California and she showed me a good time in Brisbane. Went to lots of different clubs and they all had a great atmosphere and great music - I prolli went to more clubs here that beat out anyones I went to elsewhere. The guys have this eurostyle haircut where it is cool to have a mullet started or even a rat tail. Gross. Finally had a miller geniune draft - that was heaven - good $7 spent. So everyone would ask us where we were from and sooner than later we got sick of saying we were American (hence reasons discussed in previous post) that we began disguising ourselves as swiss girls - da da - ve backpack - arrive 2 day ago - go to sydney soon - da da. My friend Sara will love this because she knows I do a horrible accents. But no one ever knew because they were so wasted anyway they were just happy to meet 2 girls vrom switzerland.
So Brisbane was fun - we didn't just go to clubs all weekend - but got to see the city - walked around the whole darn thing - I finally bought a disposable camera to take better pics. So I will post those once they are developed. The city was a cross between Florida's South Beach and LA. I would go back again but prolli never live there - although it was voted one of the best places to live in the world
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