Friday, December 22, 2006
Times New Roman
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Lunch Break
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I’m not drinky
Last night Sara and I headed down to Chicago to celebrate Sue’s birthday. I finally got to meet the best of the best of her boyfriends. We bonded over our glasses of water while digressing how rough it is being the designated driver. Then Sue would pop over dancing to the cover band playing Tom Petty motivating people to rally up for his next show at Summerfest. One thing I couldn’t understand is how different Sue is from her friends she grew up with. While both were polite and nice they seemed ultra-conservative. Neither was crazy dancing or bopping around talking to people. It just was strange seeing extension of someone who is so outgoing and fun not be somewhat the same. Not that I didn’t respect her friends which I did I just expected something else. And when the bar brought the bottle of Jameson up to the second floor that wasn’t expected – that was needed.
Now Sara and I haven’t done a little road trip in since we had a girl’s night in Appleton. I think that long rides draw out significant conversations. I know both of us tend to get stuck with emotions that we can’t work out by ourselves. While family or friends or work won’t go away – it’s nice to be taken away from their burdens to figure out where to venture from this point. The beauty of last night is that you can put it all out, get it out of your system and let the darkness and fog soak it up. The morning is an entirely new day.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The Weekend Report: Thanksgiving in Cali

The extended weekend included a family outing to one of my favorite destinations, California. Rather than stay someplace we have already we decided Laguna Beach would be fun and entertaining. If I was 40 something, married to a venture capitalist yeah I might like botox Mondays and buying my spoiled brats a lotus for Christmas. But as you all know I am a bit more grounded than that. However, I do miss breakfast on the patio overlooking the ocean.
The last day was spent enjoying Santa Monica and Venice Beach. Soon I felt more at ease with the street performers and the bum eating the leftovers of my salad. There’s nothing pretentious about it. The bum isn’t fake, the woman strumming her guitar isn’t fake and certainly the man covered in silver isn’t fake. You could go up to each of the them and have a normal conversation – one that doesn’t include a brokerage account or jimmy choo shoes.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Feels like a Monday

It feels like a Monday. It was nonstop work today from 7:30-5 sans my 10 minutes emailing the girls about our Thursday Bob Seger adventure while shoving noodles in my mouth. But now I’m home and before I head off to upholstery I wanted to say that I had a great weekend. Friday night had dinner at CafĂ© Lulu in Bayview, then off to play pool at a pool hall in southside, Milwaukee. Thinking I had my fill of the southside – Sara and I headed back on Saturday to the budget cinema and watched a very stupid movie – but it was better than the basic channel tv movies. Later that night – when I wanted to call it quits from formatting this 100+ page manual and hit my bed Sara called, as planned.
Sara and I haven’t had an unplanned night out in the longest time and every single time it is unplanned it exceeds all expectations. Plus the both of us hadn’t had a night out together since Carrie came down we tap danced with 14 year old boys. So we started out at the Twisted Fork hoping to be served by the best bartender in town. He wasn’t there but this couple in their late 30’s provided great people watching. According to our instincts – this man and woman are on their second date. They were sharing a cosmo, which rarely takes place between those in a serious relationship. The man had his feet propped up on her seat, head titled back, crotch very visible to her eyes. It was like he was saying “Are you drunk enough, come back to my place, did I mention I have a Picasso?” She maintained eye contact, so she was into him but her back was tight and she was questioning if this guy is the guy for her. After ordering another martini we couldn’t take watching this four-play so we headed to Vittuci’s.
Vittuci’s was the same as always – just younger. A group of guys who we deemed college players turned out to be intellectual, serious and conservative UWM alumns.
Sara developed a small crush on the blond curly haired guy who is a teacher for inner city mentally handicapped kids. Ouuuuuu…..
Then the best part of every night is ending it at Jo Cats. We met up with another group of girls and rocked the dance floor Latino style. When we were all hot and sweaty it felt really good to walk out the door and let the cold neutralize the body. It was a good night. I couldn’t feel the cold air not because I was intoxicated, but because I was happy and full of energy. I work very hard and it’s hard to let loose but somedays you just deserve it.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Revenge of the Roommate
So this Monday I wake up rather early and think – yeah I should start working on my freelance projects. So I get up, hear the barn yarn animal downstairs and decided to wait to go downstairs until he leaves. Ugh! I can’t wait anymore I have to make my coffee and shower. On my way to the bathroom, there on the side of the counter top sit a long yellow plastic bread bag with now minus two pieces of bread, which reside on top of the bag covered in jam. Not even 30 seconds and he’s into my stuff. I hop in the shower and wait till he is gone to make sure that is my loaf I bread. I wildly open all the cupboards cursing at ‘W’ once confirming that that Home Pride loaf is indeed mine, it’s the only Home Pride load in the entire kitchen! Oh and what is this befriending his 7 boxes of granola bars? A half bag of sugar – huh…that kinda looks like mine. I dodge back to my cabinet – no sugar.
It turns out my nice lecture on respect is out the window, and now I want revenge. Any input?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I finally started yelling
Tuesdays are very busy for me – I work from 8-5, then run home to quick eat, then jump in my car and head to upholstery class. I don’t get home until 9:30 which this Tuesday I have to go straight to my laptop and work 3 more hours on freelance. This means I don’t have time for anything else. When I get home “W” has my hair dryer out and is sealing up the plastic on the windows. Fine – but how long was he in my room looking for my hair dryer? Then on my way to my upstairs room -hands full with cookies and milk, “W” tells me, not asks me, “ I’m going to need a hand in 5 minutes.” Seriously dude this wasn’t in my agenda and I head upstairs shaking my head. “And I’m going to wrap your skylight next.” At which point I have to put my foot down and tell him gently I want him no where upstairs.
The next morning I’m blow drying my hair when I look at my nicely covered chair I did last semester. Wait is that a shoe print? I run to my closet grab my sneakers and to my best judgement they are 2 inches shy of that mark. I run downstairs looking for the stepper but god saved him, he has already left for work.
Wed night I get home. There he is cluttering up the sink. I went in for the kill.
Me: “Did you step on my green chair?”
W: “Oh o, did I break it?”
Me: “ Why did you step on my chair?”
W: “Oh shoot I’m sorry”
Me: “ W, I worked long and hard on the chair for it NOT to be stepped on! You’re always disrespecting my stuff, you eat my bananas, you threw away my bridesmaid bouquet and you go through my room without even asking! I’m sick of hearing I’m sorry – just cut it out and respect my stuff”
That should do it – if not his raisin bran is going over the balcony.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
seeking refuge
Since then I've taken a big, (30+ people big) vacation up to Door County for Grandma's birthday. Besides wearing colored coded shirts it turned out well. The bF came up and suprisingly wasn't scared by my 6ft tall family on beer. The best part of the whole trip was at 2:00am when we decided to go for a walk because we couldn't sleep. We walked around in our sweats looking up at stars - just talking and fantasizing when two strangers come towards us stumbling and stuttering "Wheressss thhheee lexussssess weee neeeeed toooo geeeeeeet baaaack! to the harboooor" Nina and her brother-in-law, our new midnight friends, closed the resort bar and now need to get back to the "harbor", their lodge. We point them in the direction where they have to walk through 3 ft of woods. We it looks like the brother in law just about reaches the other side he falls, which results in a bit of blood running from his forehead down to his nose. Nina thinks this is absolutely hilarious and falls backward. They were going to back it back by themselves. So I grab the brother in law and the bF grabs Nina. The brother in law I'll call him bill is about 50, short and stalking, hair somewhat gray and in convinced we came to his brothers Italian resturaunt. "Surrree I saw you and your huuuuuusband. I'm suuuure of it!" I went along with him as to not cause any disagreement. Nina was this petite woman clad in expensive jewelry. I found out later that her husband was off in china. We finally made it to there lodge. Now Nina and Bill where are your keys to get into the building?
Bill: "Nina I gave you the f*cking keys! check your purse nina! Nina I'm freezing my balls off! Nina where's the f*cking key!"
Nina (now sitting, head at a 45 degree angle to the side and drooling from the corners of her mouth) I told you I don't have the key
My bF takes off running towards the main office to get a security which leaves me some quality time with bill and nina. Bill is now swaying and I have to put my arm around him so he doesn't fall over. Both think we are excellent people for helping them back and invite us in for a cocktail. Bill wants to give me some peanuts he found in his jacket. Finally a golf cart bounces through the woods with room key on board. Bill runs in and thanks the security guard because he "was freezing his balls off"
What an interesting way to end the evening. We slept very well and hope nina and bill were able to locate some aspirin in the morning.
Last weekend I spent with my sister my good friends carrie and sara and road trip to Oconomowoc to see the Love Monkeys at coconut Joe's. Ladies - if you want to here some good pickup lines this is the place to go.
- I accidentally bumped in a guy which he explains that this isn't a pickup line but I have the softest skin. I told him all women have soft skin - especially babies.
- A guy who my sister had pointed out that she gave him her number came up to me after and started sizing me up at which I stopped him and asked him " hey didn't my sister just give you her number?"
- A girl and behalf of some guy came up to me and said I should really say hi to this guy at the bar because he thinks I'm just amazing.
- A gentleman about 40 walked right up to me shook his head and said" If only I was 10 years younger" and walked away.
- A group of guys that look about 14 going on 15 became our groupies. The look in there eyes so desperately wanted their skinny bodies a chance at manhood.
- My sister threw an older (50year old), regular Love Monkey groupie my way. He told me how gorgeous and had to talk really close to my ear to tell me about the bar he almost bought because it was really loud but then he proceeded to put his mustache and lips on my cheek. (cringe! and proceed to my sister - how dare she!)
- This is the best one. A guy comes up to me at the end of the night and asks why us hotties aren't dancing anymore. Which I explain it is the end of the night and we are going to head home. Then he asks if talking to me is worth his time at which I say yes but if you're under 30 you could talk to my sister. What does he do? Stay and I'm not sure if he was trying to impress me but he explains that he is recently divorced - but it's just legal stuff 'cause you know I just didn't like the relationship and it just ended and it doesn't really matter. come have lunch with my on monday 'cause I don't work.
Good stuff I needed the humor because the rest of the weekend and the week became much serious.
Learning that the man who you fell in love with has changed is causing a huge strain. This is why I haven't been posting. I don't know what to say. I don't know how I feel because it changes from one day to the next. Because my mother passed so quickly I definitely have a fear of losing people and if I can control it then it's not a problem. So when the bF has some medical problems that need to be diagnosed it causes me great worry not only to his condition but to us because it's just not the same. How do I deal with things going from absolutely perfect to not perfect?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
It's F**^&%$#%%# COLD!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
The Weekend report: Turkey crossing
So I know it's coming and I'm spending yet another winter in Milwaukee. I'm in love what can I do? So I'm here and decided to go shopping for a fantastic fall wardrobe. I could be cold but I could be stylish -right? WRONG- turns out no one will be this season. I remember when I was back in the 6th grade. I thought I was so cool wearing black spandex with a huge patterned sweater. I don't want to go back the 6th grade, but the stores are flooded with sweaters and spandex. So what do I do? I can't convert - no way. I'm going to have to hire a therapist just to deal with the enormous buttons and masses of yarn. I will not but my cash to the 80's or happy pills. but what do I do now - shop at vintage stores to go back to 2005?
Ok so the turkeys....
I've spend a lot of time thinking about family and what I want to do with my life. Little did I know - that takes toll on the mind. If your my friends you now that I'm an incredibly impatient person. So of course I want everything to happen NOW! Of course, logically, I know nothing is going to change this minute. I have to deal with it. Emotional crap is tough stuff and I can understand when so many people are on antidepressants. It takes the edge of dealing with the unknown. So does red wine and a couple of good listeners.
This morning, when I was driving up a long drive way there were two turkeys. Huge turkeys. Then they decided to briskly wobble across. Thanksgiving is coming.
Monday, September 25, 2006
The weekend report: just smile at them and they’ll buy us a shot.

I’ve been very good about going out and being reasonable in drinking and blowing my money. But this weekend I brought drinking back. Go here we go.
1. Had to have a good base in the stomach so we started at Pitch’s for fine dining, minus the cracked out waitress, the golden girl wife who left her husband talking to the two year old who all he cared about was making the spoon stay on his nose. I had the poor-man’s lobster - I highly recommend it.
2. Loaded up my corona for some pre-party festivities at my place. Drinking games can be hazardous to your health if you don’t actively participate in the college lifestyle.
3. Walked across the street to Scafiddi’s where I lost in darts and don’t remember leaving the bar.
4. Walked further down the street to a new bar called the “Good Life” It was good and expensive and a bar that doesn’t have any single dollar bills doesn’t get a tip.
5. At Jo Cats I ended up with a broken finger nail from dancing. I don’t know how but I remember dancing and the next thing I know is that there is blood oozing out from under my fingernail. That ended the night.
6. Hey Sara, you forgot to leave your phone number on my pillow.
7. Woke up with an enormous headache and my slumber party friends all had found there way home, so I watched James Bond with my bowl of cereal. (without bananas because the stupid roommate ate my bananas.)
8. Convinced myself that I was able to play kickball in the rain. Our team lost by one point but I made an awesome catch it the muddy field.
9. Learned that if you run Roundy’s vodka through a brita pitcher 10 times it will be equivalent to top shelf. Hey Grandma – I wonder if you can do that with your Fleishman’s Gin?
10. Got a huge present – Fabric Samples to make my save the earth bags.
11. Cleaned up and headed to my friend’s condo warming party we are was force fed a large amount of food and alcohol.
12. Before I couldn’t drive I had to make it to Water St. to meet my sister and her friends out for a 21st birthday party.
13. Guys are gullible – my sis and I convinced a group we were twins. And if you look cute they will buy you shots. Hence taking me back to my parting like a 21 year old.
14. Rolled over to Buckhead where we were able to skip the whole line. We were that hot.
15. Made my way over to my co-worker/new bartender who hooked us up with the ski shot and some discounted beverages.
16. The rest is a blur, lots of dancing, lots of wandering.
17. Things that I do remember: Drunk calling the lead singer of the Love Monkeys to tell him to finish a Springsteen song on stage. Talking to some guy that liked my sister and hading me $20 to buy us all a round. Umm did he want me to put in a good word? Opps- but thanks for the drink. Dancing with my sis’s girl friend and having her tell me to smile at some guys so they buy us a shot – which they did! Then she dragged me to the bar, where she told me I needed another. I looked at my half full glass which she slammed and order two more which she threw $5 down and walked away. Sassy! Learned that the drunkest one of the group threw money off a bridge and threw her phone at a guy’s forehead and cracked the screen. Quality.
18. Woke up to my bathroom with my entire bottom cupboard out on the floor. Still can’t figure out what I was looking for.
19. Spent Sunday in West Bend sobering up and watching the Packers win.
20. Learned that sometimes it is refreshing to party like a kid again. I can’t do it every weekend or every month but it good to get some craziness out of your system. It was definitely needed.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Feeding Bees
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Thursday - already?
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Weekend Update: Running on empty
1. After work I went straight home and worked some more
2. Decided to put on some clothes and head over to the Doctor’s office for a benefit concert.
3. Watched a woman who could be considered a brick house and all her “seductive” dance moves. She was built like the lyrics she thought they were saying which happens to be not a lit a square, square face, square body, low blank tank top which I was very afraid her two saggy friends would knock over someone’s beer. Her dance moves included the hand on butt wiggle, the two-handed crotch and pivot grab, the grind on the speaker while showing off arm flab.
4. Went home and worked, woke up and worked some more.
5. Packed up the car and headed up to Appleton for a girls weekend.
6. Found out a few things about my friends, one is a huge, huge, huge rolling stones fan and started signing “I can’t get no satisfaction” but throughout the song she was replacing the real lyrics with tle off, but very off. We found out she does this for most songs. Another has a start-up pharmacy in her bathroom. The most sincere and nice friend has a mean edge when it comes to spoons. There wasn’t any blood but there could have been.
7. Had an overall good night and morning with my closest friends. They do something to the soul that roots your being and creates a bind of respect. Thank you ladies.
8. Headed back home to do more work
9. Headed over to a man-filled house where we drafted our fantasy football teams. Watch out boys! Who won last year – that’s right – I did!
10. Worked some more and finally crashed without watching Desperate Housewives.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
8:15am pick-up line
Monday, August 14, 2006
Weekend Update: Change of Plans
1. Went fishing on Silver Lake, which there was only one catchable fish.
2. Delighted in the bF cooking dinner for the second day in a row!
3. Hung out in the Children's section of the library
4. Filled my morning reading children's books at our backyard rummage sale.
5. Had a birthday dinner for Grandma's "special friend" in Oconomowoc.
6. She learned that you can now tip the waitress on the credit card slip rather than paying cash.
7. Picked up my gambling girlfriend and entered potowatomi for the first time ever.
8. After getting over my nervousness, I sat down at BlackJack table won and lost about $30 so I broke even.
9. Convinced my roomie that he should not bring his nasty chairs back up into the house and put them on the corner instead.
(You don't need 4 recliners in one room)
10. Went to bed with a cold mojito and an episode of House
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I have a dress problem
Monday, August 07, 2006
Nice and Mean People
On a lighter note, a woman at New York and Co. slid me a coupon for $30 off my purchase. There are good people here.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Weekend Update: Going to the Chapel

Part I: Dad & Terri’s Wedding
1. The day started smoothly - got my nails done, hair-did, make up set. While lounging around eating my only breakfast/lunch banana strawberry yogurt drama in the bathroom erupted. No bobby pins. So I dropped my yogurt raced to Walmart ( hair up, make up done) screamed at the women in blue to point me to the bobby pin aisle. I made it round trip in 12 minutes.
2. Felt real pretty once getting my dress on.
3. Watched Dad and Terri get married outside on Pier Wisconsin, besides the man from the boat yelling "Don’t do it!" it was very nice.
4. Slammed 3 glasses of bubbly thus beginning the open-open-wide-open bar.
5. I now have a few prospects to enter in the reality show, "So you think you can dance?"
6. Was reassured that my bF was not only hot - but "fucking hot".
7. Did you know you don’t get a special prize after signing the marriage license as a witness?
8. The only danced I dance with a boy was my new younger brother. Well half of it because his friend called my friend loose and we had to depart immediately.
9. Went to Hi Hat - I miss the open bar.
10. Saturday morning: My whole body aches. Walking ½ mile to the knick for breakfast took me a half hour.
Part II: Fritz and Danielle’s Wedding
1. Recovered from Friday’s hangover exactly when fresh beer slid down the throat.
2. Found some old college classmates who thought I was married. HA!
3. It’s always a good time when Chris breaks out the couch dance. (This time it’s not a crappy couch in someone’s house but a lone couch with nothing but dance floor).
4. After the reception, proceed downtown to which we got lost and went into a gay bar.
5. So after everyone freaked out and left. I still had my beer and decided to make the most of it.
A. First, they play really great music.
B. Second, there are no guys to hit on me - which is a good thing
c. Third, at a gay bar girls will hit on you instead.
6. Found the bar we were supposed to be at which we took over the gigantic suffle-puck board.
7. Had an after-bar back in our hotel room.
A. Woke up more than enough people to join us.
b. My male friends are nuts and gay and I never want to see three grown men in a bath together again. Or two for that matter.
8. Woke up to a pretzel covered floor. Seriously.
9. Rounded up who ever was awake at noon to get some greasy breakfast.
10. It’s very strange to see two people whom I knew each before they met. Congrats!
Part:III: Recovery
Monday morning I was wedding out, sober and ready to do it all over again.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Russian cigarettes
Thursday, July 20, 2006
The way late weekend update
1. Got hired full time – I never knew how so many hours really cut into my oprah and ice cream eating time.
2. Decided Milwaukee was just too posh for us and headed out to Oconomowoc to Coconut Joe’s. I’m really upset about missing the booty shaking contest.
3. Spent 5 hours hunting for a sundress in stores that had their fall clothing line out. It’s fucking 98 outside!
4. Is it possible to sweat right after you get out of the shower? Yeah.
5. Got to see a quaint little new house occupied by some lovely friends.
6. Met another martini drinking grandma.
7. Saw the best and biggest fireworks so far at Port Washington Fish Days.
8. Walked down to Silver Lake, jumped in, walked back up.
9. Babysat a one day old Pit Bull. He was so adorable!
10. Was very glad that for the first time the four squares (friends, family, job, love) of my life were at a peak.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The Weekend Update: Pushing through the liquid

1. Ate for the first time at the Milwaukee Public Market – It was delightful!
2. Went to Summerfest to watch my co-workers band. The best part about it was my co-worker’s daughter shakin’ her bad ass with corn on the cob in each hand.
3. During my interrupted Gina-Time on Friday I discovered my roommate had thought way into the future about the girl who stood him up. She stood him up because she is carring someone’s elses baby. My roommate decided if they were to seriously date she would have to have an abortion or give it up for adoption! This would be their third date in 2 months. His already on date number 4 with this other woman who has a 5 year old kid. Who’s your Momma!
4. Woke up to a 6:06 am text message asking me to do my dishes from the baby daddy roomie. Yup in order to get some action dishes need to be done first, nevermind he is 29 and sleeps on a futon. So I did my dishes and then made hashbrowns and steam swiss chard, using various dishes for each that wouldn’t get washed until (yikes) Sunday.
5. Started at Lakefront Brewery to kick off the “BIG BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANA” We packed the beer cruise boat (minus 6 seats)
6. Had a stalker/paparazzi fan who wouldn’t stop taking pictures of me and wouldn’t ask my name until the 3 and final bar. I was wearing a tube top so any pictures looks like I forgot to put on clothes.

7. The troops were rounded and we had a 30 person dinner at Brew City. (They know how to do drinks, not food.)
8. Walked over to the Harp where we came in contact with “Bridzilla”. This means Amazon woman on her bachelorette party who may or may not know she has a mustache.
9. Headed to Sarah’s house where Sara explained the tactics of sex, oh and horoscopes. Thank you.
10. Hey Ryan and Sara, where’s the gingerbread men?
11. Walked over to the patio at Halliday’s where everyone got even slightly more intoxicated.
12. Stumbled over to Jo Cats where we did some sweaty dancing. It was hot, very hot.
13. Got pulled aside by Jeff telling me “You better be nice to this one (my guy) I like him”.
14. Woke up with a minor headache. Then went back to bed.
15. Sunday was bloody hot, passing out in front of my air conditioner was a very good idea.

16. Walked down to summerfest and on my way down a small rain cloud started chasing me. Yup exactly like in the cartoons.
17. Jeff met me at summerfest, in the pouring rain, and hail and in the women’s restroom.
18. After the storm passed and the crowd had thinned out summerfest was up and running.
19. Had my best time at the fest. Saw 6 bands which included a makeshift gospel choir, Pat McCurdy, the Boogiemen, the LoveMonkeys, Agualung and Buckwheat Zygot. Front row for Aqualung!
20. Happy Birthday Sara, Sarah and Becca!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Independent Weekend Update

It’s been a long weekend (plus a workday)
1. Couldn’t sleep so stayed up working, painting the trim of my place and watching my favorite late night tv show – Elimidate!
2. Almost blew away in the Saturday wind while walking the lakefront
3. Toured a beautiful Pier Wisconsin – Discovery World
4. Traded a homemade dinner for designing a Ryan Cabrera flyer
5. Finally saw my man after 5 days without! I don’t know if I’ll be able to take a vacation sans man.
6. If you watch the movie “The Squid and The Whale” take a sedative.
7. Saw the new fashion trend in Racine, men in short cut off shorts, brown belt, black shirt, white socks and cell phone holster. I couldn’t stop drooling.
8. Bought a shit-ton of fireworks!
9. Bought the most fattening food ever. Nope not McDonalds, it’s Harry and Davids Mozzeralla dip. (12grams of fat per 1 tablespoons). In a week I will have gained 297g
10. Light off the shit-top of fireworks in West Bend. Dad offered Terry the grill cover for a “just in case the fireworks come your way” shield.
11. Found out a river in West Bend I thought for 24 years was NOT the Milwaukee river.
12. Contrary to popular belief I am 24. In a little less than 6 more months I will be 25.
13. Went to work on Monday!
14. My friends decided to stalk me in to finally meet my man. Nice going, where’d you buy the back masks.
15. Accidentally met the man’s friends right before the big bang. Vaseline was involved – is that weird?
16. Missed some quality entertainment by one of my favorite friends. Three stories – that’s some good distance.
17. Judged a beauty contest for the WB duck derby.
18. Made a dinner I haven’t had in almost 10 years. Yup ring baloney stir fry!
19. Ended up at the Franklin Fair to watch the fourth fireworks.
20. New month = new pie of the month at Baker’s Square.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Umbrella Anyone?
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Weekend Update: Should come with a Warning
1. Our waitress at Mama Mia's should leave her botox needle and shimmery lipgloss behind.
2. Love songs from 1983 should not be allowed in clubs.
3. Tequila may cause drowsiness at the County Claire
4. Working on the weekends is not fun and makes one stay sober.
5. Men get PMS too.
6. Black lingerie, furry lingerie, pink lingerie on someone other than me or a mannequin is scary
7. When older women get drunk the world is at their fingertips.
8. Getting my nails and toes done may be addictive.
9. Painting with a combination of alcohol will create chaos and a little less painting.
10. Remember when you share pie to always steal the larger piece.
Friday, June 23, 2006
What do you think?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
The Weekend Update: Vacation
1. Danced around the office with a large scale cutout of a panther cartoon character designed by me!
2. Headed up to Shawano. Grandma said "She would be on her best behavior" when meeting my man - and she was.
3. Learned that there are some crystal skulls floating around latin america that supposedly hold a bunch of information in. Like a computer. If I come across one I'll plug my firewire cable in and see what happens.
4. Woke up early and headed to Door County.
5. Toured Door Peninsula Winery where the samples where endless. Toured Orchard Winery where the pours where too small. Toured Stone Creek Winery where I was in desperate need of a nap.
6. Went to one of those "Small Town Art Fairs" where it should be titled - "Stuff for your dog, swimsuits for your Aunt still in the 80's and things to put under your glass.
7. Had a stellar dinner followed by Door Peninsula Blackberry Wine on the porch of our hotel. I may have walked into the screen door
8. Found another good winery - Von Stiel in Algoma. There pours started with a half glass for tasting. How could you not love this place. Plus they make the wine covered chocolates! Carrie make note!
9. Sadly headed back to Milwaukee, but was delighted that I was able to spend the entire with weekend with a man I adore.
10. Watched Old Boy - a Korean flick - very disturbing which left me perturbed for a couple hours.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The Weekend Update: Still Full

1. Started off with a fab fondue party. I may have spiked some of the pots, especially the chocolate one.
2. Cruised over to Flannerys for more unnecessary drinks
3. Expanded our booth dancing over to the Jo Cats floor.
4. Yup, haven'’t woken up with a hangover since the Seattle incident
5. Watched a movie I thought I wouldnĂ‚’t like and ended up crying like a school girl
6. Cozied up at Cozi
7. Had to prep the guy to meet Grandma, step one: Learn how to play dominoes
8. New that I would not be stunned by the movie the Breakup
9. Found the girls that I've been searching for - P. Diddy's making the band group of girls is coming back on TV. Brace yourself!
10. Finally got pie of the month at Baker's Square. This month is key lime yummy
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Day in Chicago

I distinctly remember that the last time I went downtown Chicago seeing a poster for a band named "G-Unit" Huh, I thought to myself someone just nicknamed me G-Unit and said it with emphasis on the G-U. I told my sister this was a surprising coincidence. After she laughed at me, she explained this was no pet name this person had made up for me, he was just calling me the group's name. So that was about 2 years ago.
So I was down on Thursday for work. I was really great. I learned how to take the Metra train to which I met the only person in the U.S. who understands how great the BBC show "Coupling" is. I also found Millennium Park to which I was very much in awe. I feel foolish for not getting down there sooner.
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Weekend Update: Margarittavile

Starting and ending with bad and good pitchers.
1. Headed off to watch the Brewers lose. However it wasn't so bad as long as you have a super-rope in one hand and a man's hand in the other.
2. Painted my apartment a lemony-lime color. It's so happy!
3. Carrie and I were watching our figure so it was vodka all the way!
4. Learned that I obviously don't know the lyrics to Grease 2.
5. Loved my friends for their goofiness, sensitivity and compassion.
6. Became mildly upset at one of my favorite brunch places, Jean Pierre. Eggs do not take 50 min to make.
7. Three pitchers of margaritas will
- ignited a calabrese and sicilian feud between two "special" friends of my dad and myself.
- bring out the mob
- cause ear loss if you're sitting next to woman who can whistle
- plan a wedding
- spur a really great time, next time danielle has to bring someone.
8. Hit the softball cage for the first time ever ( Yes this was right after the margaritas and I did amazing!)
9. Opened up to the idea of being open, for anything.
10. Baked chocolate chip cookies.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
I heart Jazz
1. Melinda from the Real World walked past. She, fortunately, is much prettier in real life than the Real World.
2. A woman scratched and jiggled her butt at the same time. And good lord it wasn't a white woman's ass 'cause those things don't jiggle unless you're stripping to Van Halen at the Airport Lounge.
3. An elderly gentleman, about 67, braved Jazz in the Park alone. He brought a bottle of red wine, some Pasta from MetroMart and a paper grocery bag. Upon people watching, I turned my head back to this man as he was pulling a grilled chicken breast from the bag. He took it in his hands like a sandwich and started to chow down. Three bites in he put it back in the bag. 30 minutes later and the routine would start again. Where was the bread, lettuce and tomato?
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The Weekend Update: Memorial Day

0.5 Most of my Saturday night friends in the "best" pose.
I just love 3 day weekends!
1. The weekend is best started with an after work cocktail with a good friend at Holligans.
2. If you like shoes or drag queens I'd recommend seeing the movie Kinky boots.
3. Saturday night a couple of my friends learned some good lessons.
a. Vension meat is actually deer meat.
b. The word dump is only used in special cases. "I took a dump on the ice" is not one of them.
4. Little girls need to be taught about strangers, not jump on their lap and hug them.
5. The stigma of Jo Cats wears off if you're sober.
6. Burn baby Burn, and that's what I did Sunday morning.
7. Brought the (cough) (ahem) boyfriend home to meet the family.
8. If only we had some missing teeth we could have been a hick family.
a. made chicken on a beer can (again)
b. made pie on the grill
c. watch people tube off pontoon boats
d. watch children drive their cars into parked cars.
9. Ate at Coldstone Creamery for the first time ever. I ordered a mint and banana and the guy behind the counter said I was wierd.
10. Closed the long weekend walking alongside Lake Michigan.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Dear Grandma
I hope you're having an excellent Memorial Day weekend. You're probably up north and won't be checking this till Tuesday, but I just wanted to let you know I had my first, second martini. It was fantastic. I thought of you when I ordered it. I wasn't even on planing on having a cocktail because it wasn't even 5 o'clock yet. A work meeting landed us inside an pub and when that waitress came around the words "ice water" couldn't come out of my mouth, instead "dry martini" filled it's spot. How wierd is that? However I do have a question for you - the waitress but a lemon instead of a green olive in the glass, is this normal? Well thanks for introducing me to martini I think we'll get along just fine.
Monday, May 22, 2006
The Weekend Update: HAPPY

1. Meet Jeff out for a 3 drink maximum night. Started at Hooligans, OG’s for curly fries and the fabulous Axels for darts.
2. John, if you’re reading this, I hope you are having a great time in Seattle, but BLOODY tell us you’re moving!
3. Drank beer, oh yeah and went on the Miller tour with a couple crazy friends.
4. Saw that my roommate was in much need of some Man Scaping.
5. If anyone hasn’t tried chicken cooked on a beer can, they should make it there Half Year Resolution.
6. Had a fantastic brunch at the Country Club (Grandma did not have a martini, I repeat did not)
7. Sound on the tallest point of Waukesha County where I could see Holy Hill, absolutely incredible
8. Skipped around the woods and swung on some tree (without getting hurt)
9. Found a new favorite toy, an electric stapler, although it’s best held by a handsome lad.
10. Went back to the County Claire for a new favorite beverage, the Irish Diesel.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
My Chair!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Rooster Burger
“Rooster meat is by far tougher than hen's meat, but it is edible. It's the hormones in the meat that makes the difference. Just like with beef, for instance. A yearling steer (Castrated male, castrated while young) makes the best beef available. Cow meat isn't nearly as nice, and is often sold as 'budget' beef. It's still fairly edible, but has a little different flavour and is a little tougher, because of the estrogen that goes through their system. And bull meat is quite tough and stringy, and has a very stong flavour to it, because of the testosterone in it. “
Anyone up for a Rooster Burger?
Monday, May 15, 2006
The Weekend Update: Grandma Day
1. Caught up with William Zabka at the Ynot II.
2. Broke down after 6 months and had a piece of meat (summer sausage) and it was good.
3. Finished upholstering my chair!
4. Took my mom’s mom and her special friend out to dinner.
5. Didn’t win the conversation that grandma’s countertops have always had a pattern in them and there was no way windex got in them.
6. Was told by a two year old that I was scared of dogs.
7. If you ask a small child what her favorite dog does, there’s a good chance she’ll lick the side of your face.
8. Drank my first martini with my dad’s mom. The first sips were sketchy but after that it was a smooth ride and I understand why she walks down the beach with them.
9. After a weekend of not parting I brought a bottle of Cedarburg wine to Sara’s house and we didn’t stop till it was finished. There was food and Sunday evening programming on as well.
10. Realized the little things make all the difference.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Optomism in the Rain
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Where's the Beef?

Sunday, May 07, 2006
The Weekend Update: Can't help but smile

Another great weekend where everything was unplanned
1. If you go out with 3 other hot women you're bound to attract attention, get shots and get picked up by the Eastside bartender.
2. Laughed, danced and took our best pictures at Flannery's.
3. Got exceptionaly far on my chair I'm upholstering.
4. Learned never to use box die, although everyone loves gina in darker hair.
5. Saw my soon to be niece work a room of adults, she had us in tears, almost pissing ourselves with her comedy.
6. Learned the the jack-fruit is grown in tropical climates and can get up to 200 pounds. Yes I had the Jacked-Up salad at the forty8.
7. Played glow-in-the-dark frisbee in the Whitnall park gardens.
8. On the way back to Shorewood a long stem red rose ended up in my hand by an astonishing gentleman.
9. Walked by a house where the owner placed fake flowers in her yard. I chuckeled.
10. It's Sunday night and I still can't help but smile.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Place the food item in the food group
The Late Weekend Update

This weekend was so fun that I completely missed my monday post!
1. Met the girls for martinis at Hotel Metro
2. Dance and sang and watched Sara proceed from normal to bubbly at Lucilles (Happy B-day Jon!)
3. Showed my face in Jo Catz since the magical driver lisence night.
4. The only pick up line I got was from Sara, "If I said you had a great body would you hold it against me?" She grabbed me anyway.
5. My perfectionistic side got the best of me in my upholstery class
6. Cooked a fabolous dinner for a male. No, this one isn't my drug dealer
7. Partied out in Bayview, where I found Hayward Williams, he did the best cover of a Springsteen song to date!
8. Closed down LuLu's and had my first organic wine.
9. Had to have an intervention with me and Springsteen's new album.
10. Saw "Thank you for Smoking" and got a surprise when a flood of popcorn ended up on my lap.
Friday, April 28, 2006
turning Folk

Bruce Springsteen new album, We Shall Overcome, the Seeger Sessions, was released on Tuesday. I haven't stopped listening to it. While it is clear break from his classic rock it still is Bruce. Simple ballads songs are decorated with violins, trumpets, a tuba, a trombone, a banjo and even an accordion. There's a rooted serenity in how these songs are played. Removed from the sudio and recording in a country house comes out in the innocence of the song. If I could roll up my jeans and stomp in the mud I would, oh wait, I can!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The MAN candle
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Gina makes an arse out of herself
The Weekend Update: Everyone’s getting old
2. The guy who made me wet myself when I was a kid brought tears to my eyes.
3. I haven’t accomplished one of my new years resolutions: Acquire a taste for martinis. This would have been the perfect time as Grandma was sipping them delightfully.
4. I really like upholstering
5. Discovered Bayview and had a fabulous birthday dinner for one of my many lovely friends.
6. I think my friend should start a car dancing sport.
7. Thrift shopping is best when you locate a shop in the wealthiest neighborhoods.
8. My hope to have a rockstar evening on Saturday turned into a Jazz affair on Sunday.
9. Working very hard the week before makes the weekend so much easier.
10. The week is best started with a walk to work with Jeff.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Beer for Breakfast
A. His wife left him and was grabbing the beer before she hit the road and a meesly 3 was all he could manage to save.
B. He found a way to drink during the workday at which I will have to find him to take lessons.
C. He was too drunk this morning to distinguish the coke cans from the beer cans.
D. He is on a new diet. Breakfast: beer, Lunch: beer, Snack: beer.
E. He works third shift and is headed for his after work drink since bars are not open.
F. He is just having a really bad morning.
Monday, April 17, 2006
The Weekend Update: Bear Right

If you would like to make a slight turn in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota you would "bear right" instead of taking a slight right. This an other new learnings below.
1. Driving up to Mall of America takes way to long
2. Bridesmaid dresses can be found in a color and style that the whole bridal party is happy with - at the first store.
3. Customer service is horrible. Register Lady: The strapeless one comes with strapes or Would you like to try a size eight in a blue? ME: I'm not a size eight and we are not wearing blue.
4. Danielle will get served a water alongside a cocktail just because the waitress mistakes comedy for drunkeness
5. June Bugs does a body good.
6. Some men like to be rated in order of boyfriend potential.
7. UPF = Upper Pussy Fat (This woman looked like she was carry a cow's uterus below her belly button)
8. Speeding because I can't stand sitting will cause the State Trooper (female) to pull me over.
9. Teaching a 2 1/2 year old to blow bubbles is adorable.
10. Pepto must follow easter candy eatting.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
The morning girl in kitchen scenario
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The Weekend Update: The Warm front is moving up
1. Thought I was going to a formal dinner party until the wedding veil, feather boa and whip came out.
2. Made it to Turner Hall for dinner and didn't get sick. Last time I had the fish fry I puked on the sidewalk an hour later.
3. Went to this great German beer House where the girls wore tight bossom dresses and some men wore leprachan shorts.
4. Threw a temper-tantrum in my upholstery class
5. Set up my new pad so it feels more like home.
6. Headed to North Ave only to retire from ever playing darts again, well unless I get a handicap of 51 points.
7. Capital Brewery has a new beer which is absolutely fantastic.
8. Added onto my New Years Resolution: Learn how to make pancakes
9. Watch my high school crush, Vince Carter, play and beat the Bucks.
10. Embraced this new weather called the sixties!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Do Wa Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy DO
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Woman on Top
Sunday, April 02, 2006
The Weekend Update: New Carpet, Wall Carpet and Hair Carpet
Here's the weekend update:
1. Saw the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Johnny Depp creeps me out.
2. Spent 3 hours pulling staples out of what will be my new green suede chair.
3. Sara and Jeff came from Milwaukee ( I don't know why) to West Bend.
4. Had a little dinner party which meat was not present. Tony did you stop at McDonalds on the way home?
5. Sara's goal of seeing a mullet was met 32 minutes upon arrival on bar premise.
6. Going to start actively campaigning sufflepuck as an Olympic sport.
7. Jeff would like to state for the record he is a redneck woman.
8. Watched some broad "pole dance" with a carpeted square pole. Nothing says sexy like carpet.
9. My 5 year drought of the WB George Web was brought to an end.
10. Right now I'm packing thinking of the wonderful life I will have with clean dishes and Pitches Bar.
FYI: Hair coming out of the top of a shirt is not sexy
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Getting my Revenge
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I wish I could light my roommates on fire
Monday, March 27, 2006
Poll: the eighties
If the eighties are coming back should I invest in some scrunchies?
yes or no?
The weekend update: Estrogen
If Estrogen maintains normal brain function I didn't have enough martinis or environmental testosterone.
This weekend was rather good for me as I didn't overindulged in cocktails or men.
1. Buckhead had a party which we could see our table underneath glasses of pink vodka. I actually became irratated at men on the dance floor and maintain sobriety in order to kung fu fight their ass if they touched my hair one more time.
2. Got some digits.....from a girl : )
3. Met some fabulous ladies at Hotel Metro for martini night (Grandma this is the place we should go!)
4. Caught up with 3 lovely females over changing colored lights and chocolate martinis at the Vucherria.
5. Found out men cry too, right matt?
6. Shopped at a Japanese grocery store to find my new favorite indulgence. A green tea - twinkie cake.
7. The best way to eat sushi is with chopsticks, a glass of wine and two great girl friends.
8. Save a mechanical bull ride a cowboy! Watched my friend ride her heart out on a bull, not Scottie Pippen which would be her first choice. If you lost your copy of Coyote Ugly, you could go to Hogs and Hunneys in Lincoln Park to get your fix, thanks Scott for getting us in. I would had paid the cover at any other bar if I didn't have to wipe the drool from the men checking out girls in miniskirts who is most likely taking some kind of STD medication.
9. Finally won in chess! I think it was the giant size chess pieces at Andoyne that helped me out.
10. Finished watching the movie Ray for the first time and loved it. Absolutely amazing - if you haven't seen it rent it!
I miss football.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
The extended weekend update: After Charlotte
1.Thursday night headed to Buckhead with my girl friend from Appleton who will remain nameless but if you know her, you've probably received several phone calls from her around 2am. Oh yeah we started with $2 martinis.
2. After expending little cash over much gin we wanted to dance and of course the place to do that is JoCats.
3. I didn't know how many dances could be done on the floor of Jo Cats till I saw it in action.
4. It might be a good idea to leave credit cards at home, because once you start trying to pay with your driver's license or are found swiping the ATM machine with one you know it is time to go home. (cough cough)
5. Actually woke up with enough time to get on a plane to Charlotte, a St. Patty's day beer was out of the question
6. Arrived with the most beautiful weather. On the drive to our lovely hostess' house little white flowers blew like snow over the car.
7. Had dinner and drinks at a primo hangout of Nascar drivers. I learned that Charlotte was heavily populated by these race car drivers.
8. Some of the other people that hang out at this spot include bald men that suction cans of red bull to their head, boys with bozo like hair that wear jeans hanging off their rear and person in unknown superhero costume.
9. Saturday was brilliant. We drove through the country to 4 wineries tasting about 40+ wines
10. Childress winery was opened by some famous person associated with racing. My favorite was the wine whose description included "great for drinking on the porch" my least favorite was the wine served with "wild game"
11. Raylen winery had my favorite wine, a Yadkin Gold and my new favorite dessert. Chocolate covered Category 5 (a type of red wine).
12. Westbend winery had a sweet elderly gentlemen serving us more than the usual. I told the employees I grew up in West Bend, WI and they were astonished. They said they have received many phone calls concerning kitchen appliances.
13. RagApple winery was my least favorite or maybe I had already tried too many wines by this point.
14. Saturday night off to dinner at an adult arcade. Put me in front of the skee ball and I was set.
15. Went to a very classy establishment named BAR Charlotte. I forgot to pack my mini skirt and g-string so I didn't fit in.
16. Witnessed various activities which I felt I should have paid for via a porn video or strip club, these included pole dancing, pole dancing with sailors, bar dancing with short skirts, riding the giant swing above the bar, bull riding where butt checks were shaking and too many pink g-strings.
17. For amusement purposes of my group I decided to dance with a Mr. Preppie Blue Shirt. He had this dance move which I named a cross between riding a horse and working on the elliptical at a 45 degree angle. I thought of my Grandma's advice and decided not to go home with the talented boy.
18. After a long restful sleep the girls got our shopping on.
19. Had a relaxing dinner party with there were true southern accents, adorable babies and good food.
20. I can't believe it's Monday and that I've finished my box of chocolate covered wine!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
I can't date my drug dealers anymore
"I pray that you girls can meet up with someone of interest that can turn your life around and make yous happy. You are going to have to get into things of interest to meet up with guys, but not bars & drinking & drugs. There must be places you can join and I always say church, but you don't believe.
From the letter you can see my sister (Danielle) are very unhappy and all we do is drown ourselves in toxins. So for all you that want us to quit with the needles and join the nunnery it will be a long run but if there is a God at the end of the tunnel it might be worth it. He will be my new man.
p.s. Sorry to hear you losing your purse. I lost a nice new swimming cap"
Monday, March 06, 2006
Boy Scout Services for Sale

Upon consuming half a box of girl scout cookies in less than a day I've decided that boy scouts should offer something to the vast population of the United States. They could go door to door with premaid checklists of activities for the same price as a box of girl scout cookies. So America ( minus boy perverts) we have a young lad ready to do some chores. Here's a list, feel free to add on.
1. Taking out the garbage, sanatizing the cans with scent of choice (boys will be equipped)
2. Cleaning the garage, waxing the car, changing your car's oil
3. Washing the windows, there should be birds trying to fly in soon after (boys will be able to care for bird after contact)
4. Scrubbing the floor, wood floors should smell like the redwood forest, ceramic should be spotless without the elderly falling
5. Organize your dvd, cd, vhs collection. Please remove your porn before scout comes
6. Full clean out of the fridge, do the grocery shopping and make a nice dinner
7. Feeding of your dog Toto, take it for a walk, wash and dry
8. Teaching you how to work all the appliances you don't know how to use, like the cappacino machine that is sitting in a cabinent.
9. Shinning all your shoes and optimizing them for most comfort
10. Doing of taxes with the most refund back
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Day Four: No Money or ID
How does this work? I have no cash besides the $9 I found in my back pocket, no standard ID and no cellphone. Did I drop it, Did I leave it in the cab, Did someone steal it? Ugh - so many questions. I'm very good about not freaking out so I didn't - It's just things and I guess if worse comes to worse I could get some Mircrosoft guy to marry me and give me an allowance every week.
So I spent the day at the conference - which this day was quiet excellent in terms of speakers. The flash film festival took place at night and was an enjoyment. In the meantime I spent too much time getting faxed copies of my ID and collecting cash from Western Union. It was on my way to Western Union that I got the line "Hey gorgeous will you marry me?"
The sun was setting, it was romantic except that I've never met the guy and he had a voice box from smoking to much. My first marriage proposal I had to turn down. I hope it doesn't bring bad karma.
Yes so after chatting to Lynda of I headed back to the hostel to grab my suitcase and take a stab at getting through airport security. As soon as I walk in the people behind the desk look like they have seen a ghost. Guess what they have. Yes my purse. Second floor women's bathroom had my purse. At least I was a semi-smart drinker and didn't leave it in the cab. Me and my purse frolliced to the airport.
Day Three: Dirty Dirty Girl Scouts
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Day Two: It Rains A LOT!
I woke up extremely early, 5:30 am (7:30 Midwest time) and checked in over 600 people. checked out a handful.... After my shift I decided that I was too worked up being in the building so I ventured outside. I found my way to the space needle by looking up at the sky and walking toward the large object. It was everything I expected to be and nothing more. Then I decided to go shopping. They have a giant market with lots of little shops and big fish. Instead of buying clothes I found some Moroccan bowls. Not sure yet on how they will get home. Then I decided I should go back to the conference and learn something. Not only did I learn but I was inspired. A nice fellow chatted me up and we planned dinner and drinks. It was good till the end. I had to shove him in a cab right before he tried getting a bit of lip action, literally.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Day One
Things Learned
1. Sugar free candy is bad for you. Just ask Katie and the toliet.
2. It's ok not to bring the high heels
3. I learned where Detroit is
4. Guys with children sitting across the aisle aren't always married. He will give away his daugther snow white card with digits on hoping i'll call.
5. the 5 year old daugther is smart. when her dad got up and was out of earshot she turns to me and says "Daddy likes to stink up the bathroom"
6. I'm african american lesbian likable in not the way I want to be liked.
7. Being a geek will bring you closer to people like lydia of
8. Australians are just as nice in America. And I asked the aussie what the most interesting part of north america was. It's a tie between trailer parks and dollar bills.
9. I'm tired after getting two hours of sleep but was still able to get my work-out in. Surprisingly the West Bend YMCA is 12 times better.
10. Computer guys are damn attractive and well paid.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Cutting loose
My friends were in prime form. When some fools announces over the loudspeaker that they are the best foosball players, there is immediate running to the foostable for a competition. My friend's reined supreme.
I met a new friend. The crazy guy that lives on the upstairs on the BBC. Words cannot explain what I saw. This man's living space is the most packed antique shop one has ever seen. Bells and plants are friends. Coats hanging from the ceiling like a dry cleaner shop. He has a magical way of talking. We would be finding out about his mink coat and then we were talking about two Chinese girls spinning. Just out of this world.
I also just love catching up with friends I haven't seen in ages. Upon entering Live I ran into a guy I haven't seen in two years and he was at his going away party. I also now have a temporary plan with an old college friend to buy land in Colorado. He's going to attach a horse stable for me on his airplane hanger (which he is going to build). I thought that was rather nice but then I though the glass of beer was nice as well. Ah it was a classic night.
Jeff, I hear you are a good dancer.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
The Weekend Update: It's freezing!
1. Come to the Cheesecake factory a solid hour before you want to eat.
2. It's ok to order a cheesecake for dinner
3. Eric Bana is a HOT AUSSIE! and the movie Munich was good as well.
4. There is always the windows to crawl out of when the doors to your mini lock you in.
5. I like furniture upholstery
6. Synchronized sit ups are in
7. My friends are morons for tailgating at -11 degrees for a basketball game
8. I can still look good without wearing open toed shoes
9. My St. Louis friend never ceases to amaze me.
10. It is unethical to watch John Corbett a block away from my apartment because it's country and even though he is a hot hot hot actor that doesn't mean he is my springsteen!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Spam Carving Contest
While researching Seattle and deciding how to fill my time I came across a calendar of events. Seems that the Tuesday before Lent (Fat Tuesday) Seattle has a spam carving contest. I'm sorry to let my family of spam eatters down but I will not be attending. I think the smell of it will collaspe my 3-months of being a vegetarian.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I haven't heard that one before
me: (eye roll to sara thinking this guy is pathetic)
short bald guy getting annoying: " So are you two friends?"
sara: "No we hate each other"
surprised bald guy: (coy) " You date each other? Wow"
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -
Not to worry Tony, your pick up line still isn't beaten. " You're pretty and I'm drunk, take me home"
Sunday, February 12, 2006
The Weekend Update: Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays!

1. Got lost in the gettho, kenosha county and the seventies trying to find a house in Racine.
2. Surprised my friend for her 30th birthday!
3. Was a standout student in my saturday upholstery class.
4. Celebrated my friend's 27th birthday on Brady Street.
5. Found out the more alcohol a person drinks ( I won't name any names but if Becca slips out it's not my fault) the more one professes her love, gives hugs and professes her love.
6. Became smart and didn't drown myself in gin, this helped in turning down stupid guys.

7. Had a blast with a new friend. He did everything a boyfriend would do - keep guys away, dance well and present me cheetos after the bar. Too bad he has a girlfriend. >>me on the far left, boy, and sarah doing her thing.
8. Had "dinner" at noon with my grandma and her special friend for her 80th birthday.
9. Decided that the best way to meet a guy is to become a priest, imagine I have the whole congregation to preach to my hopes wishes for their single-well to do-groomed sons, brothers, fathers....
10. If you recognize someone and can't seem to remember how you know the person, always reference Fitzgibbions.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
bulimic junkie
Monday, February 06, 2006
Dirty Photos - Dare to look!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
13 hours and high on spray mount
Monday, January 30, 2006
The Weekend Update: Live after Florida
1. Seeing Dad's exgirlfriend at the airport caused a stir not only for his finace but the ex as well
2. Danielle didn't puke on the plane!!!!
3. Rode in style, as in the OJ get away van
4. Got asked to dance via piece of paper, would you like to dance check yes or no. and that was the only guy my age I met
5. Signed Dad up for Karoke without telling him
6. The bar made me sign up, as pentance for #5, I picked a song I think I could sign but realized I just like to dance to it late at night. So Terry sang I danced and sometimes sang the chorus.
7. Listen to a my family trying to sing all the way home a song they didn't know.
8. Formed a small cult Saturday morning, the 13 bright yellow school bus shirt kind
9. For the first time ever, Grandma asked Grandpa if he was ready to go home!
10. 8 kids and 2 granddaughters drank and listened to Grandpa tell wild stories with the occasional chimming in of Grandm
11. I proved best at cards and took everyone's money
12. Danielle was able to get into a bar and drink and I couldn't ! forgot my id in my shorts
13. Broke down and ate fish, in the wisdom of homer: Grouper sandwich, ooooooo!
14. Today is my last birthday celebration: the chinese new year - year of the dog. I did my cleaning yesterday and after filling barrels with leaves I told grandma, "I filled three" which she interpretted for "I feel free" I suppose either is right
15. Came back to Milwaukee and not surprised found the dishes exactly the same place as they were Friday morning.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Pointers from the week and weekend
1. Sit close the the bar
2. Not pay attention to the bartenders playing throw the alchohol
3. Wait till they get crazy and move off court
4. Watch the half drinking beer can spill on your leg
5. Cute bartender apologizes profusely
6. Bartender offers drink(s) or shots in my case
For men to have a one night stand ( Saturday night a guy approached me and went from step 1 to just straight out asking so I gave him some advice)
1. Tell a girl she is attractive
2. Tell her you want to hang out with her in the upcoming week
3. Ask her to dance (if you're at Jo Cats)
4. Tell her how gorgeous she is
5. Ask her for her phone number
6. Tell her you can't believe she doesn't have a boyfriend
7. Convince her that you need in at her place pronto because you can't wait for the week.
How to order a Jimmy Johns Sub (This could backfire if you want mayo or a neighbor comes over and eats the sub)
1. Call Tony and ask him for the Jimmy John's number
2. Walk to Jimmy Johns
3. Find a guy who looks like bruce springsteen and happens to be vegetarian
4. Ask him what he ordered
5. Ask him to order for you
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Affair with the Monitor
Monday, January 16, 2006
the Weekend Update
1. I should have worn a name tag that said, "Hi my name is gina, I lost my voice, I'll have a vodka cranberry please." because I got straight cranberry flavor vodka or voda and coke.
2. People thought I was rude for not making coversation with them
3. Had to have Jeff order my drinks for me
4. Trying to cover my ass running into several guys in the same place can be trickey without a voice
5. The bucks lost because I couldn't scream orders at them
6. Drinking too much to soothe a throat causes mixed signals
7. I can befriend a gay man without my charimsa but by my cute clutch purse and fancy scarf
8. Unable to order a sub at Jimmy Johns because they wouldn't be able to see my hand gestures over the phone
9. Not being able to breathe makes picking up a smoke very hard, which is a good thing
10. Having breakfast with the girls makes the weekend much more peaceful
Friday, January 13, 2006
scrubbing mold
now, about that garbage sitting next to the door........
Thursday, January 12, 2006
my voice held captive by the stars
Although it's not easy to surprise you, today will prove the exception to that rule. There's at least one major surprise en route in the department of communications. Routine conversations and encounters won't be quite so routine right about now. That goes for any conversation, whether it's in person or via phone, email or snail mail. If you expect it to turn out one way, it could quite possibly end up in an entirely different direction. Ready or not, here it comes!
Losing stuff at the bar, like my voice
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Halloween in the kitchen
24 in 06
A few things already learned
1. Don't fall off your barstool or you will be sent home
2. Replacing beer with vodka is not always a good decision
3. Buying a bed will enhance sleeping
4. Sneaking out to go dancing is always fun
5. Wearing no makeup to the Y will make you 18 again*
6. Recovery after a night a partying is painful
7. Having good friends is a blessing
8. There are fabulous people in the world who will polietly inform you that the guy you are talking to has a v.d.
9. Knowing when to cab it home is a good asset
10. Flowers brighten up not only a room but the heart.
* In order to use the adult locker room at the YMCA one has to be 18. I got aksed this morning if I was 18. I was shook up! How, after my 24th birthday do I look 17? And how was it that when I was 17 and 18 I could walk into a bar and not get carded? When one is under 21 we strive to look older, but when does it happen that we want to look younger - is it starting now? How will I ever find a guy if I look 17?