Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Day Seven

I"ve been waiting seven days to post this. It seems one week or one month or one year seem to mean something more than 5 days, 5 months, 5 hours, etc...
Well I'm happy to announce a major life decision. That is the choice not to eat meat. Sorry Grandma - no turkey for me for thanksgiving, cow tongue for christmas (gross) or fishes (for now) from up north. I finally got disgusted after waiting for deli meat. I wanted to puke right there but I didn't because I've been eating it for 23 years. Then a week ago I got a book about living lightly on the earth and that just pushed me to give up meat right there ( After I finished my tuna salad sandwich - a girl can have her last meat meal! ). So it's been one week. Today at the Michigan Diner with Jeff was my first experience dining with a meat covered menu. It should be an interesting challenge. I will miss certain food but in the end I feel my soul will be better for not eating something with a brain, what we receive from the land will be some much more fruitful and my body will be in slammin shape. ( As if it isn't already )


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    First, fishes isn't the plural of fish, its just fish.

    Anyways, if you're truly convicted to be a vegetarian, more power to you. I'll take my T-Bone any day, and no, the T doesn't stand for Tofu.

    If you're just eating veggies because they don't have a brain, and in your logic that is some how better, then I believe your outlook is flawed. If you're going to go strictly on a sanctity of life basis, plants are alive too, infact they've been around longer. Life is life, no matter what form its in, be it plant, animal, fungus, bacteria, or other. There have been studies that prove that plants and bacteria and other forms of 'no brain' life communicate between each other. They don't do it in the terms that we think of, its mostly done through chemicals, and reactions that these chemicals trigger. It does prove, however, that there is still some kind of intelligence there. Just some food for thought, next time you go with the portabello over the pork chop

  2. If you eat a pork chop will it grow back?

  3. Anonymous6:38 PM

    no, but if you're going to get that technical, neither would the portabello. The same mushroom wouldn't grow back, a different one would. The same pork chop wouldn't grow back, but a new pig will grow up later.
