Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Curling Iron Heaven

I knew the end of my big barrel curling iron was near. I just didn't know it would be today. Yes the "on" button was floating somewhere inside, screws were loose, the outside was stained by a fushia lipstick and speckles of hairspray hung on. I could still manage to hit the on button, but today the light didn't show red. Impossible! I removed the cord from the socket, pushed reset on the socket, line up the cord to the socket, insert. ZAP! Poof! Sizzzzzz. And the power upstairs is lost.

I run downstairs, reboot the power, run up. Slowly lets try this again. Line up the cord to the socket, insert. It works! I start curling away. Then zap. zap. zap. zap. My finger feels funny and hot! Oh it must be that nest of exposed metal. Wonderful. Nothing like a little electrution to start the morning. The iron now lays in our trash can, awaiting pick up.

Did even matter if my hair was curled anyway. It was raining and didn't have my umbrella.


  1. Grandma10:17 AM

    That,s what is know as a bad hair day. Did any of Mike,s family get affected by the flooding in the Philipines ??

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Mike's family is all OK. Took one of them 12 hours to drive home from work. That's like going to St. Louis and back.
