Sunday, July 15, 2007

and the rain cleared

Yesterday was my second time at the market. When I woke up it was thundering and drizzeling. When I packed up my car it was pouring. When I got to the market, blue skies! The day went by fast, I had friends come and visit me, even my dad, which was a surprise. None of them overlapped and it seemed I always had someone sitting next to me. Friends, family and co-workers have given me a this wonderful support system - I can only feel so blessed. I'll be happy to note that I sold seven bags. I doubt if next time I could double that - but who knows. I do have a lot of sewing to do between now and next saturday.

On a different note - the bF and I didn't work out. It has, yes, been upseting - but a relief once I got out of the box. He is and will be a good man but whether he is a good man for me is a very different question. Sometimes people are not as they seem and we envision them to be a certain way, pushing the red flags out of sight only taking in the good. It came to a point where enough red flags slammed me to break down and realize that I wasn't happy. I've learned a good lesson - you are in control of your own happiness, never ever ever let someone or something take happiness away.



  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    glad I could be there for ya G. Sorry to hear that you didn't sell 10 though....

  2. Hey Gina, very kuwl on the bags. Glad to see that some people are out there doing that. All the best and enjoy the MKE summer. :) --lloyd
