Sunday, June 21, 2009

Last week, I quit my job

As you know I have been bloging about how I might be better suited for a different job. Last week Thursday, I told my boss I was leaving and my last day was to be July 3rd because I GOT A NEW JOB!

It took over three months but I've accepted a job offer as a Senior Communication Specialist at the UWM main campus. I'm excited, scared and ready for a change. Telling my boss was sobering. It was like ending a relationship that wasn't going to work out under the current circumstances. On Tuesday I have to tell the rest of the team I don't know if i'll be happy or sad or what their reaction will be.

Now I'm thinking about how to stimulate the economy with my first new paycheck. Insert big Woo Hoo!


  1. Grandma8:56 AM

    Wow, how exciting. Congradulations. Exactly, what will you be doing??

  2. I'll be doing design work for all of UWM.
