Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Rumor has it.....

rumor has it that I will return to the states in less than 7 days! sorry i haven't been posting I've been too busy going out to dinner and working. I spent the entire afternoon at the beach today. I played in the ocean and even though it wasn't a nude beach it was nude... My new family and I had a lovely picnic and ran in the waves and it was just good fun. I leave Bellingen tommorrow morning. It is very sad to leave this beautiful and sometimes I don't know why I am leaving? Usually you hate a place and then leave it. You never really leave something behind that is this beautiful. Well I have a job, a family, and a place to stay if I ever do return. If you read my previous posts I was given 2 missions. One was achomplished today and they other was not. Which one did Gina complete? POST ANSWERS PEOPLE! thank you!

I leave for Melbourne tommorrow. I have to do lots of shopping how many people want presents? Maybe I'll just buy some vegemite and everyone can share. Good - good.


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I hope you did not eat a baby kangaroo! Molly

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I missed the comment on worm lizards, but if you could bring a few to the CUIR it would be awesome.

