Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Lazy Dater

Someone who we will call "Brian" said I was a lazy dater.

He referred to it meaning that I date people that by location are close to me, across the street, in a classroom, and upstairs. If we chose our mates that are relatively close in distance does that make us lazy or was it a coincidence? My feelings of a lazy dater immediately refer to a good friend back home who's philosophy for dating girls is "let them come to me while I sit here." So when my friend referred to me as a lazy dater I automatically thought that he meant that I put minimal effort into a relationship and was then offended. So thinking about it - is it too convenient when our location brings us closer to our mates? Does it add or take away any emotions and what kind of emotions?


  1. Yeah - I think you realize certain things when you are in a long distance relationship and seeing someone after being apart for so long makes it much more meaningful. But yeah I guess convenience isn't a bad thing just as long as it isn't over indulgent.

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    The more distance between you and your other I have found puts more meaning into the relationship. The time apart puts into your perspective your relationship and your true feelings for the person, often making your time more and more meaningful together. If both are not fully willing to compromise and make it work, the relationship will not succeed. You need to be in heart first and willing to pull out all of the stops in order to making it work with the distance, aka the guy has to be worth it! I don't think you are a lazy dater if you found someone near your location, its merely fate dropped him into a place near you! Do you what you ultimately feel is best.

  3. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Well, I didn't mean the 'lazy dater' comment in the sense that your other friend could be applied to it. That is beyond lazy, that's lathargic. I didn't know that I offended you, so first off, let me apologize for that.

    I was just making a observation regarding the guys you end up going on dates with, or dating, or whatever else one calls it. In all honesty, I would much rather meet someone in person, than through the internet as some of our friends seems to be keen on. To me, it just seems hollow, its missing something. I guess the chances of meeting someone close to your daily life are much greater than on some random trip somewhere. In any event, I just meant the comment as a wierd observation as to the guys you've dated. I guess the circumstances behind that little quirk are a whole different debate.

    On a finaly thought, I don't know of anyone who would be able to sustain a long distance relationship for the long term. Usually when they are successful, which isn't often, its just for a period of time until they are together again.

  4. yo jeff... I really wasn't offended. It was good brain food. Now, how lazy is it if you date your TA. Not lazy at all - you first have to prove your smart enough and then you take her by the reins and show her who's in control. Not to shabby. not to shabby. talk to you later!
